

Heaven managed to soothe Dominic that night by working extra hard. After all, Dominic was never satisfied with just one orgasm. He had to take her to bed and lavish her like a starving hound to his meat.

'I hope the rumor hasn't reached him yet,' she thought while shaking her head, sincerely hoping it hadn't. 'I'm sure it hasn't. I mean, even if this rumor reached Axel's office, he'd be too horrified to relay the news to his brother.'

Knowing Axel and that this rumor had only started last night in a group chat, Heaven knew it was still too early. Considering Dominic was a little preoccupied with his campaign, he wouldn't have the time to inquire about office gossip.

That thought gave her some relief. Dominic would only hear office gossip from her. If she didn't mention it, then he wouldn't know.