Awake, but not responsive.

"You heard me, right?" Primo jogged to catch up to Moose. "I'm going to discharge myself."

Moose didn't reply as he trudged through the hallway, heading to his other patient for his regular rounds. 

"And I'm not changing my mind," Primo added. "I'm telling you this in case you want to add something that I should know. At the end of the day, I don't want to complicate your plans with mine."

"Are you really saying this because you want me to stop you?" Moose stopped in his tracks, turning his head in Primo's direction. "I'm not as cheesy as you think I am. If you want to go despite everything I told you, then go. My advice wasn't for me but for you. Don't make it sound like listening to the doctor's orders is a favor you're making for me."

Primo nodded. "I know that. I'm just saying, once I get out of here, I will not come back empty-handed."