Piecing everything like a puzzle

"Now, Wolf's dead."

Wolf's eyes fell on the body at the end of the van, wearing the same clothes as him. When he lifted his eyes, it hit him. 

"You're part of that list," he whispered, referring to the list of people Hera sent out for a mission just like him. However, he had never seen these people in the Reapers.

"It's a long story." The woman stepped aside. "We'll tell you the details on our way home. The mother is calling everyone home."

The male detective glanced at the rest. "Clean everything up. Don't leave any evidence behind." He then casts Wolf a look, saying, "Let's go while she's stalling the Interpol."

Wolf shook his head mildly, telling himself to keep it together. He dragged himself out without help. The second he stepped out, he saw the gory scene outside. It looked just like any ambush scene would appear. It was just that the people who ambushed him were also the people who were supposed to transfer him.