Sometimes life’s timing can be awfully cruel.

If there was someone who could understand Hera just as deeply as herself, that would be Heaven. She lived as Hera for months, and then back to her own body, where Hera's soul lived. Therefore, Heaven knew switching back to their original bodies left Hera with nothing. 

And it was quite inspiring that for someone who lost everything, they could still be kind. 

"Live, Heaven. Live."

Heaven smiled subtly as a thin layer of tears coated her eyes. Hera's words replayed in her mind even when the woman left. 

"How could I ever hate you, Hera?" she whispered. "When you are so beautiful inside and out?"

Hera might not be perfect. She could be very cruel and devious, but one could understand why the people around her care and love her so genuinely. Hera had no pretenses; she hated and loved openly. And even if it killed her, she would choose to do the right thing for those she loved.