I hope you know how to curse well.

Elliot jolted, sitting upright on instinct when a sudden kick erupted on his side during his sleep. His mind, in a half-awake state, only sensed danger. Hence, he grabbed the nearest 'weapon' within his reach, which was a book. When he looked up and realized the person standing next to him, he sighed and put the book down. 

"You can kill with a book?" Hera inquired in awe. "That would be amazing."

"Are there other ways you can wake people up aside from inflicting them violence?" he wondered, touching his side a little. "Seeing you here, I assumed your mission was a success?"

"It was a piece of cake," Hera remarked emotionlessly, gazing down at him. "Where's your phone?"


"Your phone."

"You took it from me days ago," Elliot blurted out sternly, only to see her raise a brow. He mentally hissed, knowing she already knew. "Did you plant cameras around here?"