Felice was right

Grandma Zhu only had one role after agreeing with the people who were after Felice. That was to call Felice and ask her to come out. Felice agreed to it without batting an eye, confident this could be her last war. 

"Felice." Grandma Zhu stood beside the desk, holding the wire of the telephone nervously. "Where are you?"

"On my way there," Felice smirked, gazing to her side as she held her rifle. "My baby's ready to kill."

"This doesn't feel right, Felice."

"Donna, everything's gonna be alright."

Grandma Zhu shook her head and sighed through gritted teeth. "Do not lower your guard."

"Donna." Felice cleared her throat. "I thought long and hard about what you said the last time we talked. And I feel offended. It's true that Vicenzo protected me for a long time and I can't help but think that now that he is dead, all these problems are coming back to me."