Who better fits the title

"Tell her that the deaths of countless people who served the Oxley Family with all their hearts are her fault. Because she's insecure and one dumb fool, whose greed's insatiable, and now her people are about to be massacred for… nothing." 

Silence hung in the air to the point they could hear Hera's remarks echo. Nigel, whom she was 'talking' to, took a step back and straightened his back.

"The madam is neither foolish nor insecure. I believe she has the best interest of this family at heart. Thus, her decision, no matter how risky, is for the greater good," he remarked, defending Florence in public even when everybody knew he had been trying to stop Florence from her decision to come after the Reapers. "It is not a massacre for nothing."

"What a good dog." Hera rocked her head approvingly. "But you're not fooling anyone here, Nigel. Defending her simply proved my point. Florence Oxley is driving this family to the ground."