He deceived me

Back on the ship, Ram and everyone inside searched for Charlotte quietly. The ship wasn't that big and searching for him shouldn't be as hard as searching for a needle in a haystack. And yet, they somehow couldn't find him without raising panic among those they shouldn't.

"Where did she…" Ram trailed off as he checked the kitchen, about to leave to check the other places but stopped. 

His brows furrowed as he caught a shadow hiding in the little gap between the wall and some small cabinet. A weary smile appeared on his face as he approached. His footsteps were light, thinking just how petite Charlotte was, and he could surely fit in this little gap. 

"It's not safe for you to squeeze yourself into such a narrow space." A warm smile dominated his face as he peeked at the gap, only to see Charlotte gasping in shock. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise. Hera will kill me if I do. Don't you trust your cousin?"