
"Have you seen Boruto? I looked everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be found" Sarada asked

"No, none of us have seen him since yesterday after he went somewhere with his master" replied Mira

"Actually, Kawaki-kun also disappeared" Sumire added

"What? I hope they're not trying to kill each other again"

Meanwhile, in another dimension, Boruto and Kawaki were fighting their opponents. Horokiro rushed at Boruto trying to attack him, the blond now easily dodged his every blow, at one point he kicked Horokiro in the air, then Boruto using Jougan's ability teleported behind him and kicked in the back knocking the opponent to the ground

Kawaki shot several black rods at the masked opponent, in response to the teenager's attack, the masked man changed the direction of the rods' attack


Suddenly, the cloaked enemy disappeared from Kawaki's sight and appeared behind him, creating a purple Rasengan in his hand

"This technique?" thought surprised Kawaki jumping aside

Kawaki created several huge black cubes above the opponent and dropped them on the enemy, moments later Kawaki's cubes were completely destroyed

"What the...Who are you bastard?"

"You can call me Morutaro"

Morutaro immediately appeared in front of Kawaki grabbing him by the neck and throwing him against a nearby building, which collapsed moments later

"You're pathetic, I expected a lot more from you."

A few moments later, a pillar of light shot out from the rubble of the building, revealing Kawaki using the power of the chakra fruit, his appearance changed (his hair went up, a bright aura surrounded his body, his normal eye turned white)

"The fun is just beginning"

Horokiro got up from the ground, Boruto only looked at him with pity

"Give it up, there's no point in fighting anymore"

"How am I supposed to let go after what you did to my family"


A few years earlier... Young Horokiro was returning home when he walked in and heard his parents scream from the room.

"Please leave us alone"

"Let me think about it, no"

"Leave my wife" Horokiro's father threw himself at the attacker

The attacker created a blade of chakra in his hand, with which he cut off the boy's father's hand, then cut off the man's head

"T...tou-san..." Horokiro said terrified

The assailant began to burn Horokiro's mother's body until only ashes remained


When the moonlight fell on the killer of his parents, Horokiro saw Boruto's face, who was smiling ominously

"I have to run." Horokiro cautiously left the house and began to walk away

As the boy left the village, a masked man stood in front of him

"W...who are you?"

"My name is Morutaro, I came to you because I noticed that you need help"


"I can see in your eyes that you want power, come with me and I will make you powerful."

Horokiro pondered Morutaro's words for a moment before finally making a decision

"Help me, I want to kill killer of my parents"

"Great, then let's go"

[End Flashback]

"I won't let go until I avenge my parents." Horokiro unleashed his full power

The teenager's skin turned white, his hair became longer and turned white, and the pupils in his eyes also turned white

"This power, this boy is Otsutsuki?" Boruto thought in shock