
Horokiro and Morutaro were about to kill Boruto, but as they were about to do so, time suddenly stopped. The girl who had been watching the fight ran up to the unconscious Boruto, then grabbed Boruto and, carrying him, ran outside the village. When time restarted, Horokiro and Morutaro were confused not seeing Boruto

"Where has he gone?"

"I have no idea, let's search the village, he couldn't get far"

The girl took Boruto to some house that was far away from Konoha. At the same time, Kawaki returned to the present village, clutching the wound in his stomach.

"Kawaki-kun!" Sumire, who happened to be passing nearby, immediately when she noticed the wounded Kawaki, ran to him

"Take me to nadaime!"

"You have to go to the hospital first"

Kawaki wanted to protest, but the pain made him fall to his knees, Sumire helped carry Kawaki to the hospital, then went to inform the Hokage of the situation, while Sakura tended to Kawaki's injuries.

Soon, Naruto, Sasuke, Konohamaru and Sarada arrived in the room

"Where is Boruto?" Sarada asked first

"He stayed in that dimension," Kawaki replied, surprising everyone

Hearing this, Sarada was furious on Kawaki, she immediately activated her Mangekyo Sharingan "You left the wounded Boruto with the enemies you couldn't defeat!"

Sasuke put his hand on his daughter's shoulder "Calm down Sarada, let Kawaki explain the whole situation first"

Kawaki bit his jaw at Sarada's accusation. "You think I'm happy about that, it was Boruto's idea for me to come back, he sent me back here despite my objections."

Kawaki then explained what happened in the other dimension.

"We have to find a way to get there as soon as possible and save Boruto," said Sasuke

"Unfortunately, currently, only Karma Boruto can move between dimensions," Kawaki said annoyed

"I'll try to contact Toneri, maybe he'll come up with something," Naruto announced, returning to the Hokage's office

"Boruto..." Sarada said looking at the sky

Meanwhile, in another dimension, Boruto began to regain consciousness, the first thing he noticed was that he was in some house

"What happened, where am I?"

When Boruto moved, he felt a huge pain all over his body

"Careful, you shouldn't make sudden movements, your injuries won't fully regenerate" said the girl entering the room

Boruto could take a good look at the girl who saved him. The girl had long blond hair, black eyes, what attracted Boruto's attention the most were single traces of mustache on her cheeks

"So you saved me, what's your name?"

"My name is Yakira"

"Thanks Yakira, but I have to go train to be able to defeat them"

"Wait until you recover, you just fought with them. Besides, you've been wrongly framed for something"

"Huh, what are you talking about?"

"I know you must come from another dimension, but in this dimension you became a public enemy."


"You destroyed the villages of Iwa and Kumo and killed countless people"

Boruto widened his eyes hearing "All the more so I have to prove to everyone that I didn't do it"

"I'll help you with that, but first you need to rest and recover."

Boruto lay down on the bed again

"I'll prepare you some tea, wait" said Yakira going to the kitchen