
A few days later...

Kawaki was still training in his dimension

"Finally, I managed to break my limit," he said

Activating Isshiki's doujutsu, Kawaki returned to Konoha immediately running towards the Hokage building

"Kawaki, have you finished your training?" Naruto asked

"Yes, have you contacted Toneri?"

The Hokage nodded, "Yes, he should be here soon."

"Excellent, I'm ready to payback those bastards."

One hour later...

Toneri arrived in Konoha, Kawaki announced that he would fly to that dimension himself

"I'm going too," Sarada interjected


"I don't trust you Kawaki, that's why I will also go to help Boruto"

"So be it"

"Good luck," said Naruto

Toneri transported Kawaki and Sarada to Boruto's dimension

Meanwhile, Yakira returned to the house, but she was surprised to see Horokiro sitting on the couch

"Yo Yakira."

"Horokiro, what are you doing here?"

"I didn't see you in the village, so I decided to look for you and finally found you" Horokiro got up and started to approach the girl "I wonder why you left the village and settled in this place"

Yakira suspiciously looked at Horokiro "Did he guess? Sorry, but that's none of your business"

"She knows something," said a voice belonging to Morutaro, who appeared behind the girl with the Rasengan in her hand

Yakira sensed him at the last moment and activated the Mangekyo Sharingan, making time stop for a moment, then the blonde ran out of the house.

Horokiro completely destroyed the house, and together with Morutaro they came out of the flames "So that's how you want to play, let's have fun" Horokiro rushed to attack Yakira

Yakira jumped up making the seals "Katon: Hosenka no Jutsu!" She fired several fireballs

Horokiro easily dodged Yakira's attack, then the teenager immediately appeared in front of the girl, Yakira raised her guard taking the blow that knocked her to the ground. At the time, Boruto, who was still in training, was not far from this place, he heard a noise

"What's going on? I'd better go check it out" he thought as he ran to the place of the fight

"Even with those eyes, you can't do anything to me," Horokiro sneered

"Don't underestimate the Sharingan" Yakira again used the ability of her Mangekyo Sharingan to freeze time for a moment

The blonde quickly kicked Horokiro in the face, throwing him into the air, then grabbed his leg and threw him to the ground, creating a large crater

"What's going on, do I feel like I missed something again?"

"Horokiro is the abilities of her Mangekyo Sharingan, this girl can stop time"

"I understand, but considering it's only a few seconds, there must be a limit to the use of this ability," Horokiro stated with a smirk

"Damn it, he guessed"

"I think it's time for me to use my full power, I hope you'll survive this." Horokiro took the form of Otsutsuki and rushed at the girl

When he was about to hit Yakira, Boruto unexpectedly kicked Horokiro in the face, throwing the teenager several meters to the side.

"Tou...I mean Boruto"

"Everything's all right?" he asked and Yakira nodded her head

At that moment, a portal opened from which Kawaki and Sarada came out

"I see the fun has already begun"