The Bath

The bath water was filled,

The royal bathroom smelled nice, filled with the fragrance of the enchanting soap-like liquid.

Evis entered the bathtub, her legs slowly sinking into the water as they touched the ground, holding onto Harry's hand, her other leg also slowly entered the tub, and the hot sensation of hot water seeped through her skin as slight goosebumps spread around her naked body,

Gently, Harry shifted to the side and grasped her other palm as well, instructing, "Now, lower yourself."

Evis nodded and then slowly lowered herself, sinking into the mildly hot water as the moist atmosphere in the bathroom left her senses, only an utter calm permeating her whole being,

A serene tranquillity.

Gently, Harry positioned her hands on either side of the bathtub.

His dark eyes brightened a bit as he took the soap-like liquid from a wooden glass and poured it into his hands,

Her relaxation oozing out of her voice, Evis casually mentioned, "Don't use it on my face."