For Later Reading

If Anasta thought that she was the dominant one here, she was dead wrong.

Bastian pulled her into his cabin.

"You can fight," he said. "I can fight. You have enough time for sparring with me so that we both will be performing to the best of our abilities."

"You are mad," she hissed. "How can we be sure that you and I are enough for a whole crew of hardened sailors?"

Bastian stared right into her unnaturally beautiful eyes.

"You do fortune telling?" he asked. "Maybe you could DO something to find out what will happen. I don't know, like what Amanda just said!"

"It literally doesn't work like that!" Anasta shouted, pulling her own hair. "I have to WAIT for the future to reveal itself. I am not like some stage magicians who pull rabbits out of funny hats!"

"Well, then we are just going to work with what we have," Bastian said calmly. "Don't you agree? Calm down. Sit. Have a cup of tea. You need wine? I got some."