Yes, No, Yes

The woman came up to Bastian with the flames of hell erupting from her eyes.

At least that was what it felt like to him.

She had caught an animal that closely resembled a rabbit and she was apparently in the process of skinning it. No one had really known that she was a talented hunter as well as an amazing dark beauty with a body to die for, but this action only made her resemble a scorned gorgeous goddess even more as she finally opened her mouth and spat out the accusations at Bastian.

"You are no captain," she hissed. "You will always prioritize one mast over the other and we all know where that mast lies in. You have always been much more concerned with your womanizing hobby than the actual upkeep of a functioning ship. The only reason I did not shoot you on sight was that you three are still my best chance of surviving this mess."

"You have a gun?" Bastian said, amazed and trying to avoid thinking about basically everything else she had said.