R18 - Deserved Break from Reality

"We deserve this," Amanda breathed into his mouth. "I don't think anyone has ever deserved a break more than we do."

He turned her so that he could lift her hair and kiss the nape of her neck. It was strange being with her again, after the shipwreck, but it was not like Amanda was the one responsible for that, and what had happened had not killed Bastian's boner for her, either. He actually started to think that his massive masculine drive was the only thing keeping him sane at times like these. Whatever did not kill him, gave him more pent up energy to be horny, and whatever did not kill him gave him all the more reason to be glad about being alive to fornicate one more day.

He caressed her back, noting every single detail, the weight loss that had mainly affected her already tiny waist but not her bosom and posterior. He started to devour her from the behind, leaving only the most tender spots below the small of her back untouched.