Play Dead

After sitting down for a good while, Bastian spotted some pretty piratey looking folk coming into the tavern. They were three middle-aged men, and that detail suggested that they were already well off, established as pirates, as they were very much alive in a field where men did not often live long enough to be bland, middle-aged bastards.

"Ahoy," the tallest of them said to Captain Black, and the latter recognized him as some pirate from the pirate council. This man probably remembered Bastian as the potty-mouthed brat who had been cursed by Gorgo.

"Ahoy ahoy," Bastian replied.

"How the hell did you get here?" the man asked. "Last time we saw you, Captain Gorgo cursed the everliving shit out of you."

"Gorgo needs to word himself much better," Captain Black said and gestured to the men to sit down. "He left a loophole in his curse. One would think that it was not important to specify any further. Sadly, Gorgo forgot about the existence of women."