chapter 12

💞 Sophia 💞


When i got home i surpisingly meet Lauren at the sitting room, watching football ⚽⚽ match, i knew he was waiting for me but he didnt admit it, what a weird boy **


As Mr. Oliver announced that a new student is joining us we all looked up behold he was handsome and cool just like a rock star. Amrita stood up and ran to hug him, suprisingly he hugged her back i was wondering what was happening..😲


As soon as PT saw Amrita he became drawn to her 🤗 after they caught the theif PT has a secret crush on Amrita, she too was obsesssed to him, they exchanged contacts in a blink of an eye👀👀

they talked on Whasapp, he has already tod her that he was coming to Ravers college. PT should have went to class A but for some reasons(AMRITA) he decided to go to class B.

Natasha the witch was mad😡 at her silly cousin for going to class B but she dare not say any thing Mr. Oliver was around unlike any other teacher that she can blurt out anything she likes🙅🙅

'My name is Peter Todd but people call me PT i hope we can be good friends👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 in the future" he said and bow

"YOU ARE WELCOME" everybody chorused.

he took his sit beside amrita😲, Amrita in the middle⬆️, Sophia by the left⬅️ and him by the right.➡️.

Sophia and Lauren didnt talk to each other again they became enemies again over cara sinclair's issue. the school year is coming to its peak, some senior class students will be graduating, which means alot of extra curricular activites, inter class mathematics🛁 competition, the school inter house sports ⚽competion, each class picnic and finally the school beauty contest💃. everything is busy the school is busy with activites

mr oliver class B class teacher came in to anounce the date of the inter class mathematics competition,

'Form 2 class A vs Form 2 class B'...

The competition will commence on the 1st of July this year today's date is June 20 so be prepared..🔬

he said finally, everybody was astounded😲😲 class B went into chaos,

👥 we dont dare😫

👥no use of trying Mighty lauren collins is there🙄

👥williams is there😖

👥 kyle the mathematics mad man is there😭

👥Match went wrong 🤯

👥 you probably want us to fail 😭

👥class A students are too good for us to compete


evrybody stopped and glanced to the direction of the sound it was SOPHIA

then she came forward and bow down before Mr. Oliver

'' we are sorry for the commotion, thank you for matching us with class A we are looking forward for the day we wont accept defeat and we wont relent and dissapoint you'' she said , MR Oliver said nothing he walked out of the class.



👥You maid girl how can you say that

👥I have always known that your existence will ruin our class

👥How can we compete with class A students 😡😡

Everyone threw tongue lashing words at Sophia , but his stood her ground. The new student PT cam forward..

'sorry for interrupting, then he faced Sophia, " I personally will join you to study and compete with class A one one condition....😖😖😖

What condition??

He threw 3 books at the table everyone glanced in hoorr😱😱


Everybody agreed 🙄🙄🙄

' Native Son by Richard wright😱 Killans passion by Barbara McCauley 😲

And....... Robinson Crusoe by Daniel doefoe ...." Amrita read the titles out😲😲

Everyone gasped


Purple Love💜💜 Osuolale writes