chapter 22

It's another round of the Amb.Bims fashion college Fashion show. It will be a glamor of clothes and oppression of designs. Ravers college is participating in the show as the school usual do biannually.

Sophia seeing the flyer for the fashion show was very happy, Amb.Bims college has been her dream school in order to pursue her fashion design career.

PT's father, Natasha's Uncle was hosting the show, Cara being a graduate of the fashion school was one of the judges

This time Mr and Mrs Collins we're around, they brought fashion equipments for Sophia to practice on, Sewing machine, needles, thread cloth material, design material and everything needed to be a Fashion designer, she had choosen Williams as her male model and Janet as her female model, every day after school and during weekends Janet and Williams will go home with them Sophia sew allot of clothes, For Janet and Lauren, Williams as Mr. Cool who always wear designer clothes is also present to give her the latest fashion designer clothes style. Amrita and PT was there and lastly Cara, she is always go home with them to give Sophia tips, she taught her about modern Design because Sophie's mother is a traditional fashion designer.

She always tagged her My student. She had once said

"Sophia you must win this scholarship to Amb. bims fashion college, if you want to be a designer."


As per expected Natasha is competing too, she had hired Models, she learn Fashion designing online she sewed high class dresses Bikini, suit, Jump suits, sweat pants and lot more .

PT's father has arrived to South Africa, but he has not learned about PT'S singing career, he stays with Natasha's father, Natasha's father is also one of the sponsor's of the event


"🎤🙎Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first round of the Amb. Bims fashion college show, (everybody claps)

🎤 Let's call the high table officials

Mr. Todd Singh,. Mr Singh Stefan, Mr Pops the school principal, Mr Oliver Class B class teacher, MrJeol, Mr Collins....

🎤Let's welcome our Judges for today

Miss Cara Sinclair, Miss. Michelle Johnson, Miss Theresa Taylor, Mr. Moses Dune, Mr Johnny Drille.....

🎤Let's welcome the competitors, we have .. Natasha Singh (as she enters every one claps), Tamara Blair, rhoda Shah ....... SOPHIA DUBASH 👏👏


After the invitation of guests, presentation of entertainment to the guests, chairman's speech, principal speech .....

The competitors are called forward, on the stage there was Sewing machine for each and everyone, the. Sewing kit for everyone,

Their first assignment was to sew and design a particular dress within the given amount of time.

Sophia looked at the audience and saw her supporters there there was Janet, Lauren, amrita, Williams,PT, Cara Sinclair, Mr and Mrs Collins even their driver was there she felt happy 😁.

Their assignment was to sew a hood caped gown exactly the type of hood dress that Janet always liked to wear, at the mention of START, their models came forward to be measured, Natasha was surprised to see Janet as Sophie's model she was like 😲😲


Their time start, Sophia already know about the dress she already see the person beside Natasha looking at her design stealthy, so she just sat still doing nothing.

Janet was worried, Lauren and others were also worried. Natasha looked at her and laughed inwardly, she thinks she didn't know about the dress.

"30mins left.....

Sophia start working she finished at 5mins ahead of time, the models went to the changing room and changed, Janet looks like a bandit in the hood dress it suit her Soo much.


The models came in one by one,the competitors explain the significance of the dress but Natasha's explanation is the best .


Came second round that for the models to wear a ready made cloth.

The models came in, even though the competitors are in their school uniform, but Janet and Williams looked like a couple, Sophia had sew a traditional dress, most of the other students sowed modern designs, Natasha's design was the hottie, her models were European They looked beautiful, the designers were asked to speak about the clothes and the designs, the fashion show Is a great success.


At the end of the show, Natasha and Sophia were on the same page. They have equal scores so the judges have to vote for the winner by signify.

Meanwhile before the fashion show, Natasha already tried to bribe Cara Sinclair, she went to her house

"After the competition, vote for Sophia so that she can go to France and we can have Lauren between us to drag" Natasha said. Unknown to her, that Cara Sinclair is Sophia's Team Cara Sinclair still showed her some Mercy by saying,

"Why don't you give up, why did you still want to compete with her?!

"My father want me to be a fashion designer"


During the competition, the judges are voting, came Cara Sinclair's turn she stood up and went to the podium and played a video where Natasha is bribing her.

Everyone gasped 😲. Natasha's father was embarrassed. Sophia was pronounced the winner of the competition, she collect her 🏅 medal and scholarship papers, she must also give a speech, she began

" I thank the Lord Almighty for this special opportunity, I also give my sincere thanks to my great team, My friends and family, my classmates and also to my opponent, Going to Amb. BIMS FASHION COLLEGE is my mother's dream, she once told me that she also want to go there but she was unable to due to her pregnancy after winning the competition. I am sad that she is not here to withness this great achievement in my life. But it's a great thanks to God that I have a good family that's supporting me. Thanks. (she bowed)🕴️

She was about to leave the stage when Mr. Singh Natasha's father called her back. "It's mandatory that you tell us about your life my dear, tell us about your father and mother and how you are able to achieve this"

Sophia took the mic again

🎤 my dad's name is Dubash and my mom's name is Tiffany Aurora. My mum is dead but before her death I don't know who my father was and I lived with the Collins family after her death.

Natasha's father was at alert at the mention of Dubash and Tiffany Aurora, meanwhile his full name is Singh Stefan Dubash, but not everyone knows that his other name is Dubash just because it's only his high school lover that calls him that name. He asked Sophia again " did you have a picture of your mother??

Everyone was surprised that why did he need her mother's picture but Sophia took her phone and showed him her mother's picture.


Mr Singh Fainted