Part 1 : Damnation. Chapter 0.

"What have you done ?"

Viscera, pieces of arms torn off, bodies without heads-

"Shoto, what have you done ?"

There was blood on the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling-

"What have I done ?"

The young man sat cross-legged on the grass, his cold, lifeless eyes piercing through him. He was bathed in blood from head to toe, and the man knew better than to ask if it was his own.

"The right question to ask would be : 'what did they do to me ?' "

The man knew. Of course he knew. Everyone in the secret knew. But such a massacre...

"Don't you think you've gone too far? Don't you think-"

The young man laughed. His interlocutor shuddered, the hairs on his neck bristling. He knew Shoto since he was a kid, but he had never once heard him laugh.

"Why are you surprised? You told me yourself that I am not a hero"

The man froze. He looked down, unable to hold his gaze any longer.

"I think it hurt my ego a little bit at the time. But you were right, weren't you ?"

Shoto raised his hands in a theatrical gesture, pointing to the lifeless bodies spread out around him.

"All of this... all of this is me"

The man was afraid of what it meant.

He licked his dry lips, clutching the hem of his windbreaker with shaking fingers.

"So that's what you've become ? Someone who destroys without caring about the cost ? Someone who only does what he wants to do?"

Shoto's face darkened.

There was a storm brewing in his eyes, a kind of madness that was just waiting for the right moment to be unleashed onto the world.

"I've always been selfish, we both know that. It's just that, for a short time, I thought..."

He fell silent, unable to continue.

His eyes became glassy, as if he was looking at something far away that he could never hope to reach again.

And then anger distorted his face. The corners of his mouth dropped, his features became as hard as stone.

He raised his cold eyes to the man.

"You know very well what I am going to say, aizawa -sensei"

Shoto stood up.

Aizawa froze, horrified , his eyes never leaving the thing that had just rolled off his thighs and landed in a pool of blood.

It was a human head.

"You- and all those among you who knew"

Shoto leaned over Aizawa's shoulder, his warm breath brushing his ear.

Aizawa watched him out of the corner of his eye. A drop of sweat rolled down his temple as he realized that his eyes were turning red, the three black commas turning lazily in his eyes.

"You are next"