Chapter 122

My eyes swept over the small gathering.

Maybe I should have worn something better than jeans and T-shirt.

There were candlesticks, a crystal chandelier, richly embroidered curtains I was sure I hadn't seen before here, and the smell of fresh paint.

We were in one of the living rooms in the renovated part of the house, a neutral floor that didn't belong to Rei any more than it did to us.

I wondered if anyone but me had realised that we were in what had once been my room, the one Touya had set on fire.

- Ah, Shoto, there you are at last!

Fuyumi waved so enthusiastically that I had to stop for a moment to see if she was really talking to me.

Touya, sitting in a large armchair, and Natsuo, leaning against the backrest, looked up at me.

They were wearing polo shirts and canvas pants, and Touya's scars made him look like a burn victim straight out of the hospital.

Touya immediately looked down at the pile of photos in his hands.

Natsuo gave me an uncertain smile.

I took slow steps forward, my hands held loosely at my sides.

I stopped far away from their gathering.

- Here, look Sho-sho. This is you when you were a baby.

She showed me a photo of me on my birthday, a big '1' on the cake.

Enji was holding me in his arms, a birthday hat on my head, one hand around Rei's waist.

In front of us, on the sofa, was Natsuo, his face smeared with ketchup.

To his right, sitting next to him, was Fuyumi, holding what I vividly remembered as the doll she'd given herself for my birthday.

Touya stood by the sofa on the left, arms folded, refusing to look at the camera.

In front of him was a stone wrapped in bits of tape and torn wrapping paper.

- Don't call me that, I replied curtly.

Natsuo and Fuyumi looked at me again while Touya continued to calmly leaf through the album.

The double doors of the living room opened.

Dad and Rei entered at the same time, smiling, and if I hadn't felt them coming from opposite sides of the corridor, I would have thought they were together again.

- Ah, children, you're here already!

Rei smiled, beaming with joy, her eyes sweeping over each of us but darting back and forth between I and Touya.

She was wearing a blue dress, and I suddenly remembered that it was her favourite colour.

- What's taking up so much of your attention ?

- We're looking at our old photos, Fuyumi said.

Rei went over to the chair and leaned forward to get a better look, putting her hand on Touya's shoulder to keep her balance.

He tensed, looked at her, obviously uncomfortable, then his gaze met mine.

He stiffened, his eyes glued to the photos.

- Ah yes, I remember. Natsuo had thrown up all night after that.

Rei turned the pages one by one.

- I don't remember

- I remember you went to the wrong room and even knocked on my door with your shirt full of vomit, Fuyumi laughed.

I had no idea what they were talking about.

The pages turned, the years flew by, and I saw myself on the day I joined Sword and Cross, one hand in my father's and Rei's in the other, then Natsuo, Fuyumi and I on the day we went to the fair, the giant unicorn she'd been crying about being carried by my grumpy father in the background.

Then, suddenly, there were only empty pages.

Rei, confused, closed the album and stood up straight, suddenly looking very old.

My father, who I had felt hovering on the periphery, chose this moment to manifest himself:

- Let's eat, I'm hungry as a wolf

The mischievous smiles of Natsuo and Fuyumi tightened and they exchanged glances, but they didn't cringe at the command.

My father took a seat at the end of the table, facing the door, and I instinctively took my place to his right.

Touya sat to his left, facing me with a casual air. Rei seemed to hesitate a moment but sat next to him, then Fuyumi next to her and, finally, Natsuo at the other end of the table, facing my father.

The seat beside me was empty.

Rei quickly noticed and said:

- There's an extra set of plates. Naoya, would you please take it away ?

The maid took the plate immediately.

- Of course Madam-

I put my hand on her wrist.

- Leave it, I've invited someone

I met my father's gaze over his glass.

The plate returned to its place.

Rei frowned, opened her mouth and closed it again, obviously trying to ask me who I'd invited to this "family dinner" without upsetting me.

- Who-

The carved doors opened wide.

- I'm not too late, am I ?

Dressed in her finest fur coat and surrounded by her most threatening men stood Teka Todoroki, looking more menacing than ever.


Author's note :

Teka's comeback !

Each time I'm writing her I'm having a blast, she's like this perfect mixture of sarcasm, disdain and raw honesty.

Anyway 150 power stones = sunday bonus chapter

If you want to support me/read ahead of schedule, then go check out my P@treon, Nar_cisseENG

See you in the next update everyone !