Chapter 79 - Deception And Lies

The food was... edible.

It certainly wasn't up to our chef's standards - the flavors were rough - but at least I wouldn't starve. I put my wooden bowl on the table and pulled my mask up over my face.

- How do you do that, Todoroki? Kirishima asked. You came in after us, you've already eaten three bowls and no one has seen you take off your mask.

I shrugged, my hands clasped over my stomach.

- Experience

And a good genjutsu thrown the moment my ass landed on that bench.

I released my jutsu and stretched.

My gaze met that of the mutant who was also wearing a black mask. His ears twitched and he looked down at his tray.

I pointed at him with my chin.

- Why don't you bother him ?

- It's a medical condition, kero, the frog insisted. That would be rude, kero !

- Me too it's medical, I said indignantly

Katsuki, who sat to my left, lifted his nose out of his bowl and scowled at me.

There were potato crumbs at the corner of his mouth.

- Medical ? You mean psychological, yeah

- Close your mouth, I've got a vision of horror

Aizawa clapped his hands. All heads turned to him.

He watched Katsuki and me for a few moments with narrowed eyes before turning his attention back to the table of students.

- I hope you all enjoyed your meal, because this will be the last time it will be prepared for you: from now on, you'll have to cook your own food if you want to feed yourselves.

I can hunt ?

- Training will begin in thirty minutes. I've written on the door of the dining hall where each of you should wait in your gym clothes. Yes, your luggage is in your rooms, Iida, you can put your hand down. No, there won't be a fifth course, Katsuki - and I would advise you to stop stuffing your face if you don't want to throw up in the next hour.

Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest and sulked silently, a half-chewed piece of bread in his mouth.

- Any more questions ?

Iida raised his hand.

Aizawa motioned for him to speak, suppressing a sigh.

- Sensei, I'm afraid your explanations are not very clear: What time is the training supposed to end this afternoon? Furthermore, you haven't told us what this is all about... Considering our logistics problem, do you mean that we'll have to fish for our own food tonight? Providing food for twenty-three people seems rather difficult to me, since I don't think any of the other students except me attended a survival camp when they were young. Besides, I'm afraid I don't know what time we have to get up tomorrow, and therefore what time we have to go to bed. By the way, do we have an alarm clock? Because I bro-

- Iida

The boy shut up.

- That's all part of the training

Iida adjusted his glasses and half-opened his mouth.

Stars appeared in his eyes.

- Oh, sorry, please forgive my eagerness - it's unworthy of a Yuei pupil, I shouldn't have doubted you. It's true that despite your shabby appearance, you are a renowned teacher in this prestigious school!

He gave a military salute and Yaoyorozu tugged at his shirt to get his attention, casting worried glances at Aizawa.

- Iida, you should sit down…

- When did I get up ?

A little surprised, he let the brunette pull him back into his chair.

- Aizawa just flat-out bullshitted, Katsuki murmured, pleasantly surprised.

- And he looks like he's about to commit murder.

His fingers were frantically extending and retracting, caught in a spasm.

I raised my eyebrows.

- That's the lack for ya, the blonde said, What ? My old hag was like that when she decided to quit smoking.

- Did she succeed?

His lips curled into a toothy smile.

- She really did it. There's nothing the Bakugo can't do.

Aizawa's irritated voice turned our heads.

- Any more questions?

Half a dozen hands were raised.

- Perfect, see you in half an hour.

He turned on his heel and was never seen again until dinner.


I had trouble understanding water.

Lightning came to me with ease, as if it were an extension of myself. Water - except for what I melted from my ice, and even then - was startlingly difficult.

I wondered if it was because of the salt in the sea - perhaps I should start with the purest water possible and drift from there?

Because if it wasn't, I saw no reason why I couldn't: my quirks were literally fire and ice, and what I was trying to master was an average of the two. Trying to control water shouldn't be any more difficult-

- I don't see you training.

I blinked, taking a few seconds to make out the blurred shape in front of me.

The outlines became clear: Aizawa stood in all his glory, dressed in blue striped Bermuda shorts and a white t-shirt. He had his hair pulled back into a half-bun, an umbrella tucked under his elbow, and a glass of iced tea in his other hand.

I grumbled, running my tongue over my dry lips.

- Go away

- That's no way to talk to your teacher (He swallowed a long, loud gulp through his straw) Tell me, is that a sunburn I see on your shoulders ?

I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

I was immune to flames, but apparently not to sunburn - it had taken me sixteen years of existence and six hours of splashing around in the water to learn that.

A wave crashed into my back, forcing me to dig my toes a little deeper into the sand to stay steady.

My fingers were as crumpled as if I had flippers for hands - I didn't want to think about what was happening to my toes.

- If you only came because you're bored, there's no point in staying.

- What ? You're mad because I spent more time with the other students than with you?

He set his umbrella in the sand and sat cross-legged in its shade, never taking his eyes off me.

- I'm all yours, Shoto. Tell me your darkest, most unspeakable secrets.

I held out my watery palm to him, asking the sea to answer my call.

A thin smile spread across his lips when he saw that the waves continued their natural course, ignoring me.

I clenched my fist: when he tried to drink his delicious juice, his teeth hit ice.

- I may not be Poseidon yet, but that doesn't mean I'm helpless, sensei.

He gave me an unimpressed look and used his glass as a compress, placing it on his forehead.

- Just what I needed - thanks Shoto, I always knew I could count on you.

I turned my back to avoid seeing his mocking smile and focused my attention back on the horizon.

I had to pick up the pace - judging by its position, the sun would be setting in an hour and...

- What exactly are you up to? If you tell me, I might be able to help you get a different perspective on the situation.

I clenched my jaw.

- I don't need you, just leave me alone and go

- Why do you refuse my help? And I would like to point out that this beach is not your private property - I don't see why I can't stay here.

I half turned and threw over my shoulder:

- Just go somewhere else and stop pissing me off.

He clicked his tongue reproachfully, but didn't look the least bit annoyed:

- Language, Shoto, or it's bathroom cleaning for the whole month

I turned sharply, my fists clenching the fabric of my black Bermuda shorts.

- If you don't leave, I'll, I'll-

His hair straightened above his head, his red eyes piercing through me.

- Tell me, Shoto, what are you going to do?

Irritated, I spat out the first thing that came to mind:

- I'm getting naked

There was silence for a second.

Aizawa blinked.

- You wouldn't dare.

His expression of pure horror told me that I had the upper hand.

I puffed out pridefuly my chest :

- Damn right I would

- Stop bluffing, you're a modest kid

I pointed my thumb at my bare chest.

- Is that modest ?

- You're wearing a mask.

- If you don't leave, I'm going to strip naked and tell all the other students that you stayed to watch.

He sat up, gripping his glass so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

- You wouldn't

My fingers caught the drawstring of my shorts and played with it.

- I wonder what Nezu will say when he hears you like watching naked teenagers dripping with sweat with a drink in your hand ?

I smiled : his face paled visibly.

I didn't even have time to untie the knot before he bolted, leaving his umbrella in the sand.

I burst out laughing.


Drops of water fell on my forehead, rolling down my temples. I ran a hand through my damp hair to push it back.

I'd stayed in the sea longer than I'd intended, trying over and over to call the ocean to me, but to no avail. It wasn't until my skin began to burn from the encrusted salt and a crab nipped at the sole of my foot that I decided to call it a day. First, I made sure the bug served as a fish pie before heading to the dorms.

The showers were empty, as was the huge room that served as a common bedroom: I could hear them clearly in the kitchens, chirping and working as people of their status should.

I hope they've finished preparing everything, I'm damn hungry.

My skin was dry and irritated, so I took the necessary time to moisturize from head to toe - I really didn't want to look like an old man who had accidentally dried out to death. I put the jar in the blue sequined bag that I assumed belonged to Aoyama.

He's a weirdo but he's the only one whose cream doesn't smell like feet.

Kirishima had one that smelled like motor oil: I'd done him and all the other teenagers in that dorm a favor by burning it.

I walked at a leisurely pace toward the dining hall, my flip-flops clicking in the sand.

I'd reinforced them with a bit of chakra so I could walk on the sand and, most importantly, prevent any nasty grains from lodging between my toes. The cream hadn't dried yet and I had other things to do than take another shower right after supper.

The sounds of voices and conversations became more distinct as I approached the coveted spot.

The students were moving back and forth between the wooden cabin and the huge table set up outside, bringing in steaming bowls of salad and dishes. The two heroes kept up the pace, making sure everything that came out was cooked and ready to eat. The smell of spicy chicken wafted through the air. I met Aizawa's gaze.

He was sitting at the end of the table and stood up as soon as he saw me.

- I'd like everyone to stop for a moment and applaud Shoto.

Confused, the students stopped putting the dishes on the table and turned to me.

I stopped not far from the table, my hands in my pockets, and watched Aizawa in silence.

He began to clap, a broad smile that meant nothing good on his lips.

- Thank him, he volunteered to clean the bathrooms for a whole week

Aizawa kept on applauding and encouraged the students to do the same.

- It's a kind gesture that deserves all our gratitude, so don't hesitate to show your appreciation.

Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged puzzled glances before clapping awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

The other students joined in, the stupid ones who thought I'd really volunteered clapping louder and thanking me.

Katsuki, a bowl of mashed potatoes in his hand, frowned, his eyes darting back and forth between Aizawa and me.

My blood ran cold.

This fucking vindictive old man-

I forced myself to calm down, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset.

- Thank you, Todoroki !

- That's really cool of you, man !

A vein popped up on the back of my neck as I forced myself to smile:

- It's nothing, really, so stop thanking me My teeth clenched and my cheeks hurt.

Aizawa brought a hand up to his face to hide his malicious little smile.

- I told you to stop, haha

Thanks died on their lips as the students exchanged worried glances. The atmosphere became tense, glances going back and forth between Aizawa and me.

- Let's eat, Katsuki snapped

He slammed his salad bowl against the wooden table so hard that the glasses shook. Those closest to him gasped.

- He's right, I'm dead ass hungry, Séro said as he calmed down and let the tension subside.

The discussion continued when I sat down next to Bakugo - which, by the way, was the farthest seat from Aizawa.

The blond helped himself to a generous portion of mashed potatoes before pushing the plate over to me and grabbing the salad with his other hand.

- Don't smile like that, you're creepy.

My eyes were still squinting like a moon's crescent.

- I have no idea what you're talking about, Katchan.

He grunted but added nothing more and continued to pass the dishes to me.

- What the hell have you been doing? I've been cooking for an hour and you only show up at mealtime. Don't think it's going to be like this for the next three weeks.

- All right, stop bothering me. Tomorrow I'll go hunting for a nice piece of meat, and it will be forgotten

I'd heard wild turkeys gobbling from the woods.

The plate he was about to give me stayed in his hand as he stared at me blandly.

- Okay, I'll pluck them too, if that's what you want to hear

But he still didn't hand me the bowl.

I opened my mouth, eyebrows furrowed, when I felt my shirt being tugged.

- Inaza, I've already told you not to…

My eyes fell on a three-apple tall kid with a stupid grin on his face and a missing tooth.

- Where's your teeth ?

- The Tooth Fairy took it.

I rolled my eyes and returned to my plate to begin wolfing down a well-deserved meal. The child tugged at my shirt again.

- Stop that right now if you don't want me to give you a good reason for your fairy to come back

Séro looked at me and choked on his glass of water. I heard Katsuki snicker.

- Hanta, you spat on me !

- Are you Shoto Todoroki ?

The child's eyes shone like two stars.

- I don't give autographs, so shoo !

His eyebrows furrowed.

- I don't want an autograph.

I stuck my fork into my chicken, determined to eat.

The kid tugged at my shirt, but I ignored him and attacked the beans.

- Why do you eat like this ?

- Why do I eat the way I do ?, I responded absentmindedly

- You compartmentalize your food and eat it in categories

I turned to Katsuki in surprise.

I thought it was the brat talking to me.

- You pay too much attention to me, Katchan. I don't deserve it.

The child tugged at my shirt.

- Hey !

- You're just shady, and since no one ever told you you were shady, I have to

The kid tried to push me now, but it was he who fell backwards while I didn't move an inch.

- You're such a pain in the ass, I'm starting to like the kid better than you.

The child had scraped his knees and was about to cry like the weakling he was, but he stood up when he heard me and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the flat of his hand:

- I was sure you were doing it on purpose !

He came toward me again, his small hands flailing in the air to grab me. I slid down the bench, away from the snot-faced menace and straight at Bakugo.

- What the hell are you doing ?! Stay where you are-

- Oh Kenta, Mommy was looking for you everywhere!

A small, blue-eyed brunette came towards us, plate and cutlery in hand. She looked lovingly at her demon son who had slid down on the bench next to me and was beaming with happiness, his little legs swaying back and forth.

- I see you've made some friends.

She gave me a knowing look that I didn't return, too busy considering my options.

If I push the kid on the floor, his mother will come after me, and since she's in charge of the kitchen...

- Bakugo, stop with your fucking nudging!

- Get out of my personal space before I blow your head off!

Aizawa's bored voice barely reached me over Katsuki's hyena screams:

- The row to my left, everyone move on the right to make room

- Yes, mom, this is my best friend Shoto!

I looked at the boy who smiled back... a wide smile, at that, obviously too stupid to read the atmosphere.

The woman smiled gently and stroked his head as she left.

- Best friend, huh? (She turned to me) You don't mind if he sits next to you?

- ... as long as he doesn't talk to me

She laughed, amused.

I remained stoic.

- So this is the famous Shoto?

A medium-sized man came out of the kitchens with a steaming pot in his hands.

Steam rose from his palms where he held the metal container.

- Do we know each other ?, I said, dipping my fork into some beans.

The couple exchanged glances.

- We saw your skills at the festival.

I watched them while chewing slowly, a vague memory surfacing in my mind.

They chatted happily with their son before leaving to eat on Aizawa's side.

As soon as they were gone, the child tugged at my shirt.

- Can you cut my meat for me? Mom usually does it…

I glanced around to make sure that none of his progenitors were looking in our direction.

- ...of course.

I picked up my cutlery and delicately sliced the tender pieces of chicken. The boy was salivating, his little legs flapping excitedly as he jumped up on his seat.

The tines of the fork sank into the chicken: I glanced around to make sure no one was looking in our direction.

I turned to face the child, my back to the table: I lowered my mask with infinite slowness as he stared at me, mouth agape, having already forgotten the fork and his meal.

- Open your mouth wide.

I pretended to make him the airplane, the fork zigzagging in the air.

Then I ate his chicken.

- Hey, that's mine!

- It would have been yours if you knew how to use a fork

I took another piece of his chicken and ate it just as fast.

- Stop

His eyes filled with tears, his little fists shaking on his thighs.

- If you cry, you'll never be able to sit next to me again.

His cry of protest died in his throat as he watched me, lips trembling, wolfing down every morsel of his chicken with inordinate satisfaction.

I made sure that with each bite I looked more radiant and happy than before, wanting him to believe that this land had never known better poultry.

To my amazement, he didn't roll on the floor and cry like someone was murdering him - the children I'd seen all tended to do that.

He'd gone from insect to premature larva on my esteem scale - not bad, considering most people I knew were still on the insect scale.

- You're not as obnoxious as I thought.

His flushed face lit up as he sniffed loudly and ran his forearm over his eyes to wipe away the tears.

- My name is Kenta!

I nodded as I swallowed the last spoonful from his plate.

A decent meal, but not as good as lunch.

- Hey, do you want to know what my second name is ?

I raised my glass to my lips.

- I don't care.

- It's Shoto !

I spat out all my water on Séro.


Author's note :

I uploaded the Camp Map on the public space of my P@treon : I'll put the link below, so go check it at least once if you don't want to get lost.

As always, bonus chapter = 250 power stones

P@treon : patreon . com/Nar_cisseENG