Chapter 92

Thin rain fell from the sky, icy wind freezing the sweat on my temples.

Lightning crackled over my skin, arcs of white and yellow light dancing around my body.

My hair fluttered across my face as All for One smiled.

A black light, a kind of lightning in disguise, danced around his body.

- I'd expect nothing less from you.

In a flash of light, I was above him.

His left hand shot out to meet my right.

My chidori sliced through his fingers as if they didn't exist, shredding them to pieces.

All for One widened his eyes and stepped back.

With my left hand, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it violently toward me.

Black and red protrusions like spider legs sprang from his body and pierced me.

I deactivated the Hell Flame and dropped two meters back into the sky, the black claws closing in on the spot where I'd been a second before.

All for One spun around and lunged at me at full speed, his claws outstretched to impale me.

Parallel to the ground, arms outstretched at my sides, I called out to the storm above me.

The whole sky shook as lightning crackled like never before.

In the next instant, thousands of lightning bolts split the black sky and burst from the clouds.

All for One swung nimbly to the side, dodging the lightning that fell like rain.

I smiled.

The lightning focused on my body, enveloping me in a ball of white light.

I made the sign of confrontation with my right hand, muttering in a low voice:

- Lightning Armor

Energy exploded in my veins, spreading along my nervous system at the speed of light. The hairs on my body burned and my hair stood straight as a post.

My genjutsu covered my face as my sharingan activated in my eyes, spinning at breakneck speed.

In the blink of an eye, I was on All for One, surrounded by a halo of light.

His eyes, wide open, slowly followed me.

In the next instant, his left hip exploded and his leg flew through the air, the upper half of his thigh reduced to nothing.

All for One flew high into the sky, past the moon and through the black clouds.

I pumped an astronomical amount of chakra into my Hell Flame and followed him, a trail of white light behind me.

His mouth opened.

In the next instant, his left arm flew into the sky, half pulverized.

I drew back my smoking fist and struck again.

The next second, his right leg was gone, propelling All for One as fast as a meteorite falling from the sky.

A spray of blood, like a bloody trail, traced a diagonal path from his missing limbs to where I'd knocked him off his feet.

His right arm, barely restored to the wrist, rose toward me.

My flames exploded at my feet, reducing my incombustible shoes to ash.

I held out my right hand, chidori in hand, blue and white light crackling around my outstretched fist.

Then my gaze met All for One's.

His eyelids had lifted over his pale eyes, giving me an almost complete view of his blind blue eyes. His nose was wrinkled, as if he had smelled something particularly unpleasant. His lips were curled in an evil sneer.

He murmured.

- Swap

The moment my fingers grazed All for One's torso, he disappeared. I blinked, my Sharingan scanning my new surroundings in a split second.

A violent blow slammed into my back, taking my breath away.

The lightning armor crackling on my body flashed on my skin as I rolled through the sky, unable to stabilize myself even with my Hell Flame sputtering.

I crashed into the sand, bouncing like a pebble from one dune to the next.

I felt some of the wounds on my back reopen and my sweater soak with blood. I grabbed my head with both hands to steady myself as the world rocked around me.

Lightning sizzled on my skin as I tried to get back on my feet.

I rolled to the side, dodging the black and red spikes that pierced the sand where I'd been a second before.

The things kept hitting and hitting as I rolled and jumped back, drawing my sword at the last second to slash through the last of them.

Landing heavily a few feet away, I faced All for One, sword drawn at my side, lightning crackling on the blade. I bent my legs, Sharingan encompassing the environment with a blink.

His severed limbs still litter the desert.

All for One smiled, standing on his two perfectly formed legs, his left hand ready to reassemble itself. He's assessing me. 

Shreds of bloody clothing hung over his new limbs.

- Just another human, you said ?

He dusted off his suit jacket, which had a hole just above his heart where my chidori had barely had time to scratch him.

- You've just survived 50% of my energy accumulation quirk. A normal human would have been reduced to a shower of blood.

My grip on my sword tightened, my chakra snarling like a beast beneath my skin that wanted to rip out his throat with a snap of teeth.

- A truly solid body... All for One's left arm turned purple, biceps and triceps swelling to three times the size of his thigh.

- How about 100% ?

The wind whistled.

I met All for One equidistant from our positions as he raised his fist, ready to beat me to a pulp.

Sword in my left hand, I raised my right fist back and struck against his.

There was a thud, as if two mountains had collided at full speed. A gust of wind picked up and swept the sand around us like a storm.

The shock reverberated around us as if a bomb had exploded, an earthquake rippling through the desert.

Crevasses opened here and there like gaping mouths, greedily swallowing tons of sand.

For a second, the echo of our clashing fists drowned out the sound of the storm still brewing above us.

My feet sank into the sand even though they were covered in chakra.

My arm shook like a straw under All for One's power as I clenched my jaws, refusing to let him gain an inch of ground.

- If I expected-

All for One caught the blade of my sword in his right hand as it was about to pierce his throat.

- Especially deadly for someone training to be a hero

Blood poured from his clenched fist in beads, trickling down his forearm and dripping onto the warm sand.

My eyes locked with his as I tilted my head back and arched my torso. A stream of blue flame erupted from my mouth, setting him ablaze like a torch.

A violent kick hit me in the chest and knocked me backward, the spray of fire spreading with me.

Out of breath, I extinguished it and stared at the cloud of steam created by the drizzle.

I opened and closed my right hand, testing my fingers, trying to regain control of my hand.

My thumb and forefinger are broken.

I'll get by.

All for One stepped out of the gray veil, dusting off what was left of his clothes with a casual gesture.

- I thought this was my last shot, I really did. Color me surprised

His left arm hung limply from his body, like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

All for One shook his arm, giving a brief, annoyed child's pout as his flesh reshaped itself like a million swarming insects.

The left half of his face was melted, rubbery bits of skin dripping down his shoulder. 

The smell of burnt pork rose to my nose.

- Let's get on with it

All for One cocked his head to one side.

The skin on his left cheekbone peeled off and fell to the sand.

- Have you learned nothing from heroes ? You must always wait until your opponent is fit to fight before you take him on

The lightning crackling on my skin was the only warning he got. The next thing I knew, I was on top of him, my sword ready to pierce his heart.

All for One took a step back and lightning rained down on him from the sky. He swore and threw himself to the side, his arm ready to fall as my sword split the air to sever his head.

Throwing himself to the ground, he tilted his head to the side and dodged the blade by a hair's breadth, receiving only a gash on his cheek.

Crouching, he tried to sweep my legs away.

I leapt over his leg, my sharingan spinning at full speed, and plunged my sword into his thigh.

He grunted and reached for me, violet light surrounding his hands.

- Sw-

Another bolt of lightning fell from the sky and landed on him. All for One rolled to the side to avoid it while I sliced half of his thigh and withdrew my sword.

- You don't-

Lightning fell from the sky like a divine judgment, preventing All for One from advancing and pushing him back toward the sea.

The lightning fell faster and more often than rain, illuminating the dark night in flashes as quick as daylight. The sea rolled furiously, excitedly anticipating the moment to come.

All for One stepped back, struck again and again by the lightning, moving farther away with each passing second.

His feet brushed the damp sand and I raised my hand.

A lasso of water rose from the sea and wrapped around his legs, pulling him violently to his feet.

All for One lowered his head, and for the first time since our battle began, I saw genuine surprise on his face.

The sea opened up for him and the waves swallowed him whole.

The waves raged with unprecedented violence as I tightened my grip on his body, refusing to let him escape.

The lasso pulled him farther and farther into the ocean, a torrent of lightning flashing across the surface.

The water evaporated violently in small explosions that added to the chaos of the ocean. The booms, echoing with a second's delay, had become so numerous that they seemed almost simultaneous with the lightning.

The sea and sky were now a confused reflection of each other, sometimes blacker than night, sometimes lit yellow by the electric fireworks.

I felt All for One open his mouth and his lips form words.

I immediately pushed the water down his throat, drowning him from the inside.

His body buckled as I held him close enough to the surface for the lightning to burn his nervous system and too far away for him to escape.

Thousands of gallons of water pressed down on his body, rendering his ability to levitate useless.

I sheathed my sword and clasped my hands together, forcing the sea to close like an iron vise on All for One's body, breaking it wide open.

A flurry of bubbles left his mouth and I heard him scream, black blood pouring from his ears and nose.

I squeezed, squeezed, squeezed, his bones buckling under the pressure and the power-

Suddenly, far up in the sky, I heard something shoot through the clouds.

I squinted and saw the black dot coming toward me, and-

One of the black bulges pierced my stomach. I widened my eyes and watched the blood flow from my stomach as if it wasn't my own.

Never look away from your opponent.

The next second, All for One split the waves and floated above the sea, his dripping suit barely covering him.

He looked mad with rage.

- You fucking-

His head snapped to the side so quickly I thought I heard his neck crack. I staggered back a few steps until I hit a dune. I fell onto my buttocks, stunned as blood poured from my wound.

- Ah, boring

I covered my stomach with both hands, a faint green glow - barely visible - illuminating them.

I coughed and blackish blood trickled down my chin.

The wound won't close.

- You've damaged me more than I expected. I'm not sure I'll be able to face anyone else competent today

In a panic, I poured all my remaining chakra into the jutsu.

But my blood continued to flow down my thighs, slipping through my helpless fingers like in my worst nightmares.

- What have you done to me ?

My throat tightened to the point where I began to hyperventilate.

Icy shivers rolled down my neck as my trembling fingers scratched my torso, clawing at my skin, trying to open my flesh to let air in.

Rough gasps shook me as I fell helplessly onto my side, my muscles convulsing.

I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying-

All for One sighed.

- I'll have to thank that idiot for stepping in at the right moment. Without him, I would have killed you by mistake

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him approaching me with slow steps, his hands clasped behind his back and dripping with water.

He nudged me with the toe of his shoe.

A mad rage crawled up my throat as I appealed to my Quirks, to the heavens, to anything that might finish him off.

- Still alive? Very robust indeed

He lifted his nose and ignored me, his eyes fixed on the one I could feel closing in on us at full speed.

A flame ignited on my cheekbone, then sputtered before dying out.

- Kurogiri

A black portal opened right next to All for One and the smoke maid stepped out.

- Master ?

The rocket in the sky got closer and closer, so much so that I could see it in my peripheral vision while all my attention was focused on All for One.

He met my gaze.

- Who do you think you're looking at ?

He put his foot on my face, forcing me to turn my head to the side.

- I like that better.

A rage so violent, so powerful, so indestructible seized me that, for a second, I only saw white around me.

My skin heated up, a veil of steam surrounding me like a veil. My blood began to boil, my veins turned to fire, my bones to conflagration.

Deep in the earth, far beyond the artificial sand, I felt the warmth of the world answering my call.

Suddenly the sea was at rest.

Then heat bubbles burst at its surface.

All for One, not knowing what I was doing, turned to Kurogiri.

- Take us away Kurogiri laid his hand on my neck.

I felt myself fall through a hole, pissing blood, my connection to the magma of the earth's mantle abruptly severed.

The portal closed over me as I met All Might's horrified gaze.


Author's note :

250 power stones = sunday bonus chapter

If you want to support me/read ahead of schedule, you can do so on my P@treon, Nar_cisseENG

See you in the next update everyone !