Person Confusion

So they both were in a fan group of kpop

where all the fans were there in the group just for chit chatting and the main thing was that everyone were active like hell because it was the lockdown curfew everywhere.....

One day Amber was just scrolling her WhatsApp. She was cheerful , happy and sweet girl never ever falled in love with anyone and on the other hand there was Manuarr who was supportive , caring , always smiling etc etc

Both were unexpectedly in the same group not knowing what will happen next....

Amber keep on scrolling.... scrolling and scrolling the info of each member of that fan group because she was bored.

watching the profile picture of everyone which she never did but that day don't know what happened to Amber she just wanted to scroll the profile pictures as she was bored and the thing was that she loved to watch dramas alot

and the boy Manuarr face was like a kdrama artist in his profile picture

So Amber got confused so much....