Amber revealed her feelings

After 3 months , Amber's Mother stopped talking with Shauzu in order to get along with Amber once again but Amber was still unable to forget each and every thing.

Amber still didn't told anything to her Mother unless one day when her Mother came to pick her up when Amber was returning to home from college.

It was a huge story regarding the reconnection between the souls of the beautiful relation of a mother a daughter but Amber cried in tears and told her how bad she felt.

Amber told each and everything regarding Shauzu to her Mom that how he was used to treat her in college and what things he done to her.

Even one day he took her to his home when nobody was around in his home , and he forced her to come or else he said that he will not drop her at her home unless and untill she don't come at his house.

( Amber wanted to go home as soon as possible so she went with him but Shauzu on purposely gone to change his clothes but the truth was that he was just doing acting but he didn't changed his clothes. But yeah he removed his shirt but Amber didn't sawn anything because he was at her back but he taunt her that don't look back haa, I am shirtless...

Well Amber started to feeling uncomfortable and suphosticated. Even a single breathe was so much uncomfortable but after that she forced him that now i arrived at your home , now please drop me at my home.)

Amber told everything to her mother and that they her mother realised that her daughter suffered alot because of him.

And she never lied.

Well somewhere even on listening to the proof of Amber , maybe she started to believe Amber but not fully but after listening to her feelings , her Mother hugged her and promised that she will not talk with that guy again and she will never let her to come with him , instead she herself will walk the long distance and come to the station in order to receive her.

Amber's mother told the truth that what conversations they had on that day ( Shauzu was doing emotional with fake talks and also he was talking negative about Amber that how she behaves with him and all which was not true ).

Amber cried alot and they both did reunion.

Well sharing our feelings with out family , is sometimes the best part of life because by sharing we feel best. So sharing is caring ...