Xander's Dilemma

"Stacy, take good care of your Madam," Xander instructed in a carefree tone and immediately turned to look at where Griffin stood.

"Has the lawyer been able to get my brother out of jail? Also, have you called the various media outlets to take down the articles about Giavanna's incident?" Xander asked. His relaxed expression showed he wasn't expecting what would come next.

"I called the police commissioner as soon as I woke up to the news but unfortunately, I wasn't able to get in touch with him through his cell phone. Also, I dialled his office line a few times on my way to the hospital but his secretary said he wasn't in at the moment," Griffin explained hurriedly without pausing midway.

"If you couldn't get in touch with the police commissioner, I am sure you successfully contacted the attorney general and other big figures that calls all the shots, so why is Seth still not released?" Xander asked, not able to maintain his calmness anymore.