The Mysterious Flash Drive

"I know both of you must be exhausted after the long day at work. Actually, I would have wanted both of you to freshen up first before bringing up the topic but the issue is too important to be postponed," Giavanna spoke in a soft tone.

"What is it? Aren't you feeling fine?" Xander was quick to ask about her health since that was the only issue he could think of.

"This isn't about me but Madison," Giavanna said without beating around the bush.

"And what about her?" Xander and Eve chorused as if they could reach each other's minds.

"In the morning both of us were interrogated by two police officers who dropped by the mansion about incidents that occurred at the party last night…" Giavanna paused to make sure the two tired figures standing in front of her were following what she said.

"Did you just say police officers were here and not only that but you were also interrogated?" Xander asked with widened eyes.