
I woke up to the sun's lazy gleams, poking forcefully down on my face. Today my parents would return from their short vacation. The whiff of bacon and eggs reaches my nostrils. The door swung open, illuminating the Greek God in all his glory. Only a pair of boxer shorts frames his perfect figure. A silver platter at hand. He inched closer with a broad smile," Good morning princess." I sat up and thanked him as I retrieved the platter from his hands. "I thought you might appreciate a warm plate, seeing how we've been eating out of the box lately." Misha gave me a wink which instantly made me crave him. I can't argue with the fact that I need something solid within me and I'm not referring to him. Along with the hot meal a cup of steamy coffee greets me as well. "I've got a proposition, if you're game," Misha said as I cut into a slice of bacon. I acknowledged him with a sideways glance, "Would this suggestion give me more alone time with you?" I asked as I took the bite. He smirks at me. "As a matter of fact, yeah, I supposed it would. Stay with me for a few days." I stopped mid cut and look Misha straight in the eyes. "Are you being serious?" He nodded in response. I swipe the unfinished plate of food towards the side and threw my arms around his neck. My appetite suddenly long gone. "Absolutely," I said before smacking my lips against his. It quickly transformed into another heated section. I can't see how this would ever get old because every time we pass the forbidden boundaries, it feels brand new. The experience knocks my breath away each time. While we were knee deep in an explicit rendezvous, a voice bellowed from downstairs: "We're back!" Misha scurried to pull the covering over our naked skins, and just in the nick of time too. Mom walks in on us and quickly turned around, her face red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry for intruding. Please take your time, meet us downstairs when you're finished," she said before disappearing just as quickly as she emerged. I buried my face in the crook of Misha's neck, suppressing a giggle from erupting. "That were awkward," I stated in a muffled tone. I lift my face to find him staring at me. He leaned in with a smirk, but I stopped him by placing my hand in between our mouths. "I won't be able to succumb to you unobtrusively," I informed him straightforwardly. How am I to lay here tongue-tied when his hands are roaming my body? How am I to muffle my moans when his coarse cavemen tactics comes through? His smirk grew even wider as realization struck him. The corners of his mouth peeked upwards from behind my hand as the teasing lines reached his eyes. Misha fold his hands around mine and said as he placed a kiss upon my knuckles: "I understand princess." We re-dressed and joined my parents downstairs. 


I threw my arm around my mother's shoulders as I joined her side. She laid her left hand gently upon mine, "You seem happy." I nodded as I smiled at the man that's standing across the room. I watched how dad laid a hand upon his shoulder as a way of welcoming him to the family. The thought of wearing a big white dress, the sound of ringing bells and vows being exchanged; doesn't scare me half as much when I picture us crossing that line. Suddenly I'm not afraid to fall because he'll be there to catch me. Everything around us is of little importance if he can't be a part of it. It's him and me against the world. Misha Anderson stole my heart at first glance, six years ago. I thought with time the flame would immobilize, but a single glimpse ignited it compellingly. My domain would never be the same again, not without him. Is this just a spawn of the moment or am I whipped? Either way I don't want the moment to change. My eyes are nailed on his figure. I want my parents to feel the heat that's penetrating between us. I want my mom to feel the rhythm of my increasing heart rate. I want my dad to know that he's the man that I want to give my soul to. I swallowed loudly as his eyes pinned mine. I take a step forward, followed by another; until we were standing abreast. I stretched out on my tippy toes and pressed my lips firmly against his. An electrical wave spat raw statical surges through my midst. What's this man doing to me? I'm losing myself over and over again with him. "Come on dear, let's give them some privacy," my dad spoke at a smooth tone. I smiled into the kiss with the knowledge that my father approves. 


Recently I've wondered how things would have turned out if dad had only approved years prior, but knowing how I've fallen under his influence and had been a hormonal casserole might have led to teen pregnancy. Secretly I'm glad that my parents had sent me away back then, because now I can have the full experience. I snake my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss even more. He mimicked my action by wrapping his arms around my waist. This kiss is different, which leaves my insides in a topsy-turvy mess. It feels like a kaleidoscope of blue beauties is about to levitate me up into the air. I wish he could see what his doing to me. This is more then just a silly schoolgirl crush. 


This is more then a simple infatuation. When our lips parted I looked up at him breathlessly, he seems just as much affected as I am. He cupped my face with his hands and caught me completely off guard with the question that slipped from his lips: "Move in with me?"