Questions for the System

I didn't know what I expected of the system. The fact that it intentionally made things harder on the player was something someone insane would program in. I had probably suffered from this several times.

[It appears this setting can not be turned off.]

I rested my forehead into the palm of my hand. Of course. The people behind the towers didn't want it to be turned off. It was too entertaining for them.

I let out a deep breath of air and calmed my mind. Freaking out over what you couldn't control never did anyone any good. Weren't there other things I wanted to ask about?

"Does time flow differently in the dungeon?"

[Correct. Depending on the dungeon, time may flow differently than that of your world, Earth.]

"Does that mean that the towers transport hunters elsewhere?"

[Access is limited to this topic.]

"I understand. Does that mean the towers are a means of transport?"


"But you can't answer where we are transported, correct?"


I had finally answered one of the bigger questions I had struggled with understanding. Mat touched my shoulder lightly and I realized I had been shaking slightly.

"Sorry, I just finally feel like I am getting some answers to all of this."

"That is okay. That is why I am here."

I moved my eyes away from the screen briefly to nod to Mat. In that second I moved away from the screen it changed from white to blue. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh, no."

[You could at least be happy to see me after making me wait so long.]

"Is that?"

Mat pointed at the screen and I nodded without so much as looking back. I guess Amo was done keeping me to himself. I had a feeling this would happen soon.

[Hello little earthling who dreams of dating my girl here.]

"But… um.. Huh?"

Mat was at a loss for words. I wasn't surprised. Amo loved to tease me as well. Besides, it wasn't a big secret or anything.

[You could at least act surprised Kai. For the man's sake.]

"Stop teasing us and I am not your girl."

[Fine. Fine. I wish we could play today, but it seems you are not ready. Humans are terribly fragile. Instead of asking that crummy system questions, why don't you ask me instead. You know, as a change of pace from you almost dying and me eating popcorn while you did so.]

My hand balled into a fist. I knew this was a game to him, but it still made me angry.

"This isn't some game! Kai almost died last time!"

[And you're what? Going to be her knight in shining armor, kid? I have news for you, this is a game. You can despair all you want about that, but in the end Kai has already lost her life once to it.]

I was silently fuming inside, but Mat wasn't done.

"Us dying doesn't mean anything to you, you bastard! What happens to your sick form of entertainment when we die, huh?"

Mat's face was red as he yelled miserably at the screen. I wanted to ask him what the point in stating the obvious was? People who thought this was entertainment wouldn't understand our emotional response, so what was the point?

[You're amusing. If I hadn't taken a shine to Kai, I might have chosen you to torment for a time.]

"Mat, stop. There is no point trying to get sympathy from someone like him."

"I wasn't looking for sympathy. I just…"

"He doesn't care. What motivates him is beyond our understanding."

[And that is why I just love watching you so much, my dear Kai!]

"I don't belong to you nor am I your dear whatever."

[So touchy.]

"You showed up for a reason. What do you want?"

Amo smiled behind the screen and took a sip of some unknown liquid. This new game was going well for him. He had Kai to thank for all of this. Maybe he should give her a reward.

[Well, now… Fine, I want you to enter the extreme tower.]

"Are you insane?"

[I will leave the door open for you so you can leave at any time.]

"And you will disable the system from making it harder for us if we look bored or some other frivolous reason?"

[You drive a hard bargain, but I suppose I could do that.]

"Kai, even if we have all that, we are not strong enough to take on a dungeon like that."

"I know. Even still. There is a reason Amo wants us to take it on so soon."

[Kai, you are so smart. Indeed. If you do not take on the tower within the month it will overflow into your world. The desolate landscape you have grown so used to will become a reality in this life as well.]

I remembered the massive outbreak that nearly took down what was left of the people. It was devastating. My lips formed a firm line across my face and I knew what I had to do.

"I understand. We have a month to prepare? What do we need to survive in the extreme tower?"

[Kai, your weakness is your fortitude. Mat's weakness is not having a clear finishing move. Dear Callie needs to work diligently to increase her concentration.]

"You're being so nice with the commentary."

[Your success is mine.]

"What does that mean?"

[My secret.]

I didn't know what I expected from him, but I guess this was the best that we were going to get. Fortitude? Did that mean that I was a coward? Or was it because I was so focused on what happened in my past that it is limiting my future?

The blue cursor changed back to white and I knew that Amo was gone. I wondered if there was a time limit I wasn't aware of for his visits. He seemed to stay for a particularly long time this time. Maybe he was bored because I was in the hospital.

"Mat, it looks like it is time to head back."

I turned around to face Mat. He had a stern expression on his face. I guess what Amo had to say really resonated with him. 

"Was I wrong?" he asked.

"No, I don't think so, but being right isn't always the best course of action."

"How can you think that way!"

"Hardly anyone thinks in black and white."

Mat's face twisted into a bitter expression. I was amazed how he had grown up without realizing this dark truth. No, it was wrong of me to judge others.

"Come on. Let's go."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him out the shining doorway. I regretted this decision upon seeing his blushing face on the other side. I didn't want him to get any ideas so I dropped his hand immediately and walked out of the lobby.

He was such a handful. The echoing steps behind me told me that he had caught up with me. I knew that he wasn't going to give up on his convictions.

"Kai, wait!"

I turned towards Mat once we hit a rather deserted part of the street.

"Mat, you should focus on what you lack. You need a finishing move to get stronger. Think about that rather than pursue your misguided convictions."

Mat flinched back. I knew I was being harsh, but I desperately wanted to prevent the outburst from the extreme tower.

"You do understand that many lives are at stake, right?"


"Mat, I have already told you that I am not looking to pursue a relationship. That fighting in the towers is much more important to me. You know I have already died once."

The hurt in his eyes would probably haunt me in my dreams. In a way, I did care for Mat, just not in a romantic sense. The sooner he realized this, the better. I bit my lip and dug in my heels.

"Mat, what will help our party now is you becoming stronger. We can not keep going in the same direction. I can not keep getting admitted to the hospital."

I turned and left him in the street. Why did he have to make me take it this far?

I made sure to text Callie and give her the information that Amo had imparted to me. I had already been searching for ways to improve her healing abilities. So I sent her several links and then texted her to meet me in three days.

There was only one way I could think of to build such strength. It was to fight relentlessly until all I could do was fight without even thinking. So I needed to enter a lot of towers brimming with monsters.

The doctor had told me not to go into towers alone anymore, but I needed strength. Each of our party members needed to level up, that much was clear.

If I was going to spend several days in a tower I needed food and supplies. So I headed to that eatery that sold monster meat meals and ordered several take away meals.

I headed to see Clay and Dyno as well. Clay fell at my feet in apology for sending me with poison but no antidotes. He then unloaded double the amount of potions as last time. I would definitely have a headache if I sorted through all of these.

Dyno gave me a begrudging look when I requested my repaired armor and weapons.

"Didn't you just get out of the hospital? Why should I give you your gear? Go rest longer!"

"Dyno, I need to become stronger. The longer I stay out of the dungeons, the more people's lives could be put at risk."

"That is no excuse for going to get yourself hurt again."

"I promise to only go to dungeons I have been to before."

"Fine, but I won't forgive you if you get hurt like that again, you hear?"

"I know."

As usual the armor and weapons had been upgraded. I thanked Dyno and made sure to leave him a bit extra in credits. He tried to refuse them, but I insisted. Even after my hospital fees, our party had netted a tidy sum in the dungeons.

After gearing up and placing some additional weapons in my bag, I headed back to the tower that Mat and I had just left a few hours before. As I thought, Amo was waiting for me, blue text blinking and all.