Intro to School, Association Style

As I walked out into the fresh air of the morning, it felt like something inside of me had changed. Like I could finally take a step forward where I was stationary before. I took a deep breath of the crisp air and stretched.

Despite the early hour, many people were already flooding the main street in front of the clinic. It was simple to mix into the crowd and go unnoticed. I had developed a habit of trying to remain under the radar. It was how I survived.

Ads showing the latest successful hunters were up on the newly mounted screens. It finally felt like society was returning back to what it was before the towers rose. So many subtle, yet significant changes had become second nature that I was not even surprised anymore.

I could worry endlessly about the ramifications of what those changes meant for this timeline or I could go with the flow and create a new life for myself unshackled from the past that no longer existed. I would probably always worry though.