The Church

The morning sun was bright and clear, breaking through the soft, billowy clouds and casting a golden glow upon the bustling streets of High Valley. Townsfolk drifted through the various markets and shops, talking, laughing, and haggling. Alone, I slipped through the thin crowds, keeping my hood low and avoiding conversation. Soltair and Trithe were back at the inn, taking advantage of the lazy morning to sleep in, but I couldn't afford that luxury. If I was to catch up with the other heroes, I needed all the practice I could get.

After almost a half hour of searching the town, I caved in and looked around for a guard. They patrolled the streets regularly, traveling in groups of four with a mounted captain. The bright flash of armor caught my attention, and I found a group taking a break at the mouth of an alley.

"Excuse me," I called, approaching, but not too close. I didn't want them to catch on to my identity, after all.