Return to High Valley

After I left Trithe, I retreated to my quarters and collapsed to bed, tossing and turning until the Sunpurge allowed me to sleep. Nightmares colored my sleep, but I felt better than I had for days the following morning. I was surprised, however, when I received an invitation to meet with Lord Griffon following breakfast.

The maid ushered me to his private study, where I found him scanning a scroll. His study was large and spacious, dominated by an imposing oak desk and brightly lit by several crystal chandeliers. Bookshelves lined every available wall, adorned with thousands of books, their titles ranging from political commentary to theology.

He glanced up as we entered and gestured to a padded chair across from him. The maid gently shut the door behind me, leaving the two of us alone. Tentatively, I sank into the chair, my heart aflutter as I settled into its luxurious cushions.