
Amid the bustling university campus, Soltair's inquiry hung in the air like a storm cloud. Drawing the attention of the City Lord and Dean, Lord Fithsban. "Dragon, you say?"

"That's right," Soltair nodded firmly. "We were chasing an Infernal Dragon but lost it some time ago. Have there been any reports of one nearby?"

Lord Fithsban stroked his chin, scanning the faces of his aides. They all shook their heads, almost in unison, and he sighed. "I'm afraid not then. We were troubled by one several months ago, hence our request for aid at the Divine Throne, but it vanished a few weeks back."

Trithe leaned forward intently. "What kind of dragon was it?"

"A Red Dragon, if I recall correctly," Lord Fithsban replied, his brows furrowing in thought. "Not a small one, either, but several hundred feet long."

Soltair's eyes brightened. "It's probably the same one then. Do you think it has a lair around here?"