Breaking Through

Following my revelation, Slivera sat back, her gaze blank and vacant. As the silence dragged on, my tail began to twitch, and I stroked my horn anxiously. I'd never shared the full extent of my powers with any outside our party. I hadn't even told Fyren about the full cusp of the Eyes of Fate. 

At long last, Slivera released a long sigh. "I can understand why the church is so desperate to contain you. If someone of your abilities were to fall into the wrong hands, it would spell catastrophe on a level every bit as great as the Demon Invasion. Were it not for your Divine Curse and slave crest, they likely would have executed you right away. And if one of those ceases to become a factor… well, if you've come this far, I assume you're no idiot."

I nodded, hands clenched tightly in my lap. "What do you plan to do?"

"A good question. The correct thing would be to obey the church and take you to shard, and then likely immediately to the Divine Throne."