Flickering Flame

Jolting at the sudden voice, I whirled around, only to see Elise's radiant face beaming at me. "H-hi!" I squeaked, turning red. Had she seen me steal anything?

She laughed, slipping forward and entwining her arm through mine. "Come on, let's got to the tower. I heard you're going to be leaving soon."

Her touch sent tingles through my body, but I didn't even consider pushing her away. Dragging me in her wake, Elise walked and talked cheerfully about her day, leading me to the library. On account of my lingering weakness, an effect of my time in the dungeon, we moved slowly, simply enjoying each other company's. By the time we reached the tower, I was reluctant to part and clung to her as she tried to take her usual seat opposite me.

"So needy," she teased, a twinkle in her golden eyes.