Echoes of War

Their words entered me, slicing through the darkness like the first ray of the morning sun. I hadn't dared hope that the reason they returned for me was for…well, me. Hearing them say it dispersed whatever doubts I'd been holding on to, forcing me to face what they had been trying to tell me the entire time. 

As I grappled with this newfound perception, Dyson frowned, lacing his fingers together. Glad we got that settled, but one thing bothers me about this Alverin fellow. Why did he give away their base location? Even if he thought Starlight would attack on her own, and thus be easily caught, why risk it? Why not set up another ambush like they did last time?"

I opened my mouth, but the words caught in my throat. It was too much to admit the possessive nature of the slavers, and how desperately they wanted to enslave me again, to claim me. Fortunately, there was another reason, too, though it was Vithrass who gave it to me.