Slaying the Blade Demons

I hesitated at Korra's declaration, wondering whether I'd heard her correctly. We were in a fierce battle with demons, where she could get hurt or killed, yet she refused the spell that would assure her safety? My senses were still somewhat scrambled so she might have meant something else, and I should still–

"I got this," Korra's voice came again, accompanied by a big smile, as sure as if she knew my thoughts.

My tail swished across Fable's fur, filled with nervous energy. She was strong and confident, of that there was no doubt, but I knew better than to underestimate demons. The fourth-level evolved demon she faced was stronger than the one Fable sent flying, made of large, broadsword-like blades instead of daggers. A single hit from one of its gleaming limbs would cause serious damage, perhaps killing or maiming outright.