Hidden Dangers

I woke to morning light streaming through the tent, the previous day a hazy blur of cold and darkness. I vaguely remembered waking up and finding Luke and Fyren arguing over R'lissea, but everything was shrouded in a chilling fog after that.

I shivered against Fable, unsure if the cold from Haven had truly dissipated. His tail tightened around me, pulling me close to his side, his heartbeat hard and warm against mine. Somehow, I had changed into a nightdress, and I noticed Elise sleeping soundly on a cot beside mine. Had she moved into this tent to look after me? 

Fable nuzzled my cheek, and I sighed, leaning against his warm fur. Relaxing into his embrace chased away the lingering chill and darkness of Haven's taint. With his tail wrapped securely around me and his fur soft against my skin, I was tempted to drift back to sleep. Just the thought of pulling away and facing the cool autumn air made me shudder and snuggle closer.