Her name

Angelo: fine don't spill

Cordelia: I had my fingers crossed when I promised 😁

Tiffany: she smiled brightly and him on the other hand sat down fixed his gaze on her making sure she doesn't spill then me I was already in cloud nine my eyes were falling 👀 literally. not wanting to make Angelo's efforts for making me eat to waste I only took the soup bowl I took a sip it was God damn tasty but I couldn't enjoy it cause I was sleepy I would never stay up late like this. I drank the soup water instead of the things they garnished it with [ uhm Angelo I want go to bed ] and that's when Cordelia noticed me she stared at me

Cordelia: and who are you

Tiffany: I was about to answer but

Cordelia: huh Angelo she your friend right. ah I never knew you had it in you,

Tiffany: what is she going on about

Cordelia: you finally got the gut to disobey mother 😃

Tiffany: she was excited like she was happy he disobeyed their mother?

Cordelia: huh huh tell me I can keep secrets you know

Angelo: I didn't disobey mother I am going to tell her tomorrow

Tiffany: the smile and excitement disappeared

Cordelia: you see why I don't like you Angelo? because your a goody goody. just once Angelo go against mothers restrictions against you personal life

Angelo: No

Cordelia: mommy's boy

Angelo: thank you

Tiffany: she boiled angrily if she was trying to get him pissed the this was a hundred percent failure he was so calm I came down from the chair and went on my way to the room I woke up in.

Don't you want to know my name, mobirix

Tiffany: it was the reflection again. is mobirix your name

No that's your name

Tiffany: eh since when did I become mobirix ??. I opened the door of the room it was still the same just the bed was arranged properly, I closed the door behind me and went straight to the mirror to see her and she was there.

Hi again

Tiffany: hello I said in a playful manner

Don't you wanna to know my name?

Tiffany: I do I'm so curious.

Well since you say so, my name starts with a Te

Tiffany: your name is Te?

No I want you to guess

Tiffany: oh I'm not good at guessing

Oh please try

Tiffany: OK it starts with a T. e right?


Tiffany: Terrified


Tiffany: Tena

try again

Tiffany: Terrorist

stop right there were are you getting these Ideas from. my beautiful name is Terra

Tiffany: OK Terra why are you here

Terra: don't be harsh on me like that

Tiffany: I'm sorry but I wasn't harsh

Terra: I was just Kidding

Tiffany: ....

Terra: you look cut when you're confused

Tiffany: thank you

Terra: no need you look cute cause you are me

Tiffany: she said with a serious tone meaning she meant it

Terra: Heehahahah😂😸

Tiffany: she giggled so what can you do other than talk in my head 😕

Terra: I can control your body movement and mouth

Tiffany: so she was the one who made me curse that young man.

Terra: I see what you see hear What you hear I know what your going to say before you say it then feelings nah you feel that one on your own if you cry I can't cry unless I'm willing to. if you feel emotional it wouldn't affect me in any way I'm a hard rock if you feel pain it wouldn't hurt me cause it's your bod I only have access to your body and mind

Tiffany: Okay

Terra: you've gotta admit you do have a striking resemblance to me

Tiffany: what she was the reflection not me so how do I resemble her she is the one that resembles me. can people see you

Terra: eh no but they can if you come close to a mirror

Tiffany: why what happens

Terra: well they will see me instead of you

Tiffany: " What!

Terra: don't shout

Tiffany: so i would never have a life of my own

Terra: you will ( in the day time)