Tiffany: she held me and Angelo as we followed her to the dinning table. and like before I sat down and Angelo sat in front of me Cordelia sat beside me she didn't sit on her mother's chair instead she sat very close to me. there were three bowls in front of us then marshmallows in another one and sprinkles then A lady used an ice cream scoop to give us ten scoops each damn Terra is soo wicked, she was about to leave before Terra opened her big mouth.
Terra: do you have sugar
Tiffany: yeah how many pack's would you like the lady replied.
Terra: just one
Tiffany: what is she doing now. with that the lady walked out of the dinning room with the trolley she came with and she was back with a pack of sugar in her hand, here you go. she said with a sweat harmonic voice. I looked at her with pleading eyes but Terra took it. I don't even have control over what I want anymore, as she took it she opened the pack of sugar and poured the hole quantity inside
Angelo: don't you think that too much sugar
Terra: what do you think I am, a child!!
Tiffany: then she realised that I was still ten
Terra: don't answer that
Tiffany: now he felt bad for me and I felt bad for myself too but what could I do I could only fill sorry for myself.
Cordelia: first person to finish wins on your Mark. ready. Go✴
Tiffany: Terra added the sprinkles and marshmallows it was tiny, we started
💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘Pov: Delores💘💘💘💘💘💘
Delores: (╥﹏╥)༼;´ ༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
Felix: why are you still crying. I'm sure she's fine and you haven't eaten anything since yesterday
Delores: how can I eat when my daughter has not, I don't even know were she is ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
Felix: but the police are parading the town just to find our daughter I'm sure wherever she is, she is safe trust me
Delores: how are you sure do you know were she is???
Felix: No no why would i 😧😨 I mean it's not like I sent anyone to kill her or something
Delores: What!!!
Felix: i... I mean she's fine no need to worry don't do this to yourself
Delores: 😫😭
Felix: come with me I'll cook something up specially for you.
Two Hours Later
Tiffany: we were don Cordelia ate just three scoops. Angelo was just touching the surface
But Terra made me eat at list six scoops added to all the sugar, sprinkles, and marshmallows .
Terra: I won I won
Cordelia: no you didn't you didn't finish everything
Terra: yes but ate way more than you and Angelo
Cordelia: your right you did win
Tiffany: ( hmmmm uh huh) I groaned in pain my tummy hurts so badly I'm sure it's because of the sugar
Terra: I told you I don't feel anything you feel especially Pain
Tiffany: I left the dinning room and I went to the room my stomach hurt so badly added to the hair Cordelia made. when I got there I laid on the floor but on my stomach maybe it would subside the pain
Terra: nah you would be fine. it's just a way of telling you, YOUR growing. and by the way happy birthday
Tiffany: (oh now you remember that it's my birthday) I said out loud
Terra: yeah that's why I suggested ice cream
Angelo: it's your birthday??
Tiffany: don't worry about it
Terra: yeah it's her birthday. but sadly she wants only her mom to celebrate with her
Tiffany: ( that's not true )
Terra: oh really
Tiffany: ( yeah really ouw)
Angelo: am sorry about your Tommy, is there anything I can do to make it up to you
Tiffany: ( yes Water )
Angelo: OK I'll be right back
Tiffany: he left to go get the water
Terra: you are the most boring person I've ever met
Tiffany: what I'm not boring
Terra: you are soo boring
Tiffany: I'm not boring
Terra: oh yeah prove it
Tiffany: how
Terra: exactly what a boring person would ask
Tiffany: then what do you want me to do ??
Angelo: here you go
Tiffany: ( thank you )
Angelo: anytime
Terra: boring 😒
Tiffany: I'm not boring😬💢~💢
Terra: Blah blah 😝
Angelo: how do you cop with her in your head
Terra: you should be asking me that question
Angelo: And how did you find her or get her
Tiffany: (unfortunately I don't know)
Angelo: Happy birthday
Tiffany:( thanks but stop saying it like its a big deal )
Terra: don't worry celebrating birthdays is a huge gigantic deal for her she loves celebration
Tiffany: Terra you are really pissing me off
Terra: oh yeah do something about it
Tiffany:( like what??) .
Angelo: ????????????? I'm sorry are you talking to me ??
Tiffany: ( listen Angelo this is a very early stage of my craziness look forward to talking me to a mental asylum because I'm going crazy )
Angelo: no need for that your not crazy
Terra: thank you
Angelo: you just have to get used to her and then there would be a bond once you accept it
Terra: it??
Angelo: I mean her sorry
Terra: Humph