Felix: you may leave
Tiffany : he doesn't know how annoying he is.
I'm sorry mom I can't come😿🙏🙇
I walked out of his site back to my room to read the diary
So finally mom has allowed me to travel with the supervision of my brother which I'm fine with he doesn't restrict me like mom and it's easy to persuade him.
After our flight he bought a house with just three bedrooms but we Lodged a hotel for the night then the next day we moved in, he was unpacking then I asked him if I could get to know the place better with pleading eyes I begged and it didn't even take him seconds he agreed and off I went.
It was a not a quiet place there were people every were I love new people I bought some things I have never tasted before but I like it so I asked the lady for the recipes she gave with a smile on her face. Who I'm I kiden I casted a spell on her, give me the recipe to this dish. But I payed, ah it's good to have powers especially when you can get anything with just a spell 😼
On my way back to our new house I saw a guy he was super hot his black long hair actually shoulder length his tall muscular body his beautiful eyes and handsome face uh the way he walks with pride around him (Wow😻😻) and he was coming straight at me how stupid could I be, {Hi} he said with his charming deep voice but I stood there like an idiot I couldn't respond because I was admiring him 😍😍 {hello} he spoke again this time I was sure he was talking to me
"Nice to meet you". I finally said
{are you new here??} yes, I replied him
{would you like if I show you around then }
really ?? I asked with excitement in my tone
{sure, it would be a pleasure... by the way I'm Felix Gabriel} he told me his name wow.
And I'm Felix your Angel, I foolishly said
I mean I'm Angel. I corrected and he laughed how embarrassed I felt. I'm soo stupid, then he held my hand and led the way.
Tiffany: 😮(๑ↀᆺↀ๑)ಠ_ಠ what the what!!! (O_O) Felix Gabriel isn't that my dad ??? I'm confused right now doe's that mean Angel was his first wife
Terra: well I guess it's not just me who's hiding secrets, Delores has hers too
Tiffany: what do you mean by that
Terra: OK your Mom is a witch but as eager as you are to know the truth I also am so I would prefer if you continue reading to know the end
Tiffany: ah, I said in realisation. so your secrets are also here
Terra: nooo, your Mom is a very secretive person and that is What killed her
The hole time I couldn't stop looking at his face and when it was almost noon
{I guess this is good bye } I placed my index finger on his lips telling him, Shush don't say that word I'll see you tomorrow
{mind if I escort you} I wish he knew how much I wanted him to be wherever I go he wouldn't be asking me that question.
that's if you want to, and with that he led me home I mean I directed him to my house and yes I forgot my brother even existed, then I bid Farewell to him.
my brother already knew I was there because anytime mom dad or my siblings and I are three meters close he will sense our presence
he didn't even wait he opened the door with a raised brow and face expression that said who are you, as he stared daggers at Felix
then there was an awkward intense quietness And I had to break it.
Felix this is Ken my brother
And Ken this Felix
{{And what is he to you}} asked my brother. oh nooo he's going to read my mind and detect the truth if I look at him in the eyes,
He's my "friend" I lied and clearly my brother knew I was lieng but Felix was just a clueless man standing there well that was my que to talk to my brother. I managed my way into his mind and then I said to him.
Ken please don't give me a bad name your being too harsh on the guy here, we both know he didn't do anything and I know you've already read his mind so why this
{{and I don't want my sister wandering off with some strange guy that she just met }}
now that was a though reply.
OK I promise I will not do anything with him until you get to know him better
{{what!! you are even considering him}}
yes I love him
{{what heck !!!! "LOVE " you just met }}
yes but I felt a spark already you know that saying Love at first sight
{{I'm soo telling mom }}
and it continued until I finally convinced him and he will not say a word to mom, the poor handsome guy stood there for a long time as me and Ken kept staring at each other without a word.
{{Thank you for bringing her home but anytime you and her go anywhere seek my permission and bring her home by 7:30 anything higher you'll never see her again}} he strictly told Felix and the only thing Felix said was 'yes'. Ken was like a disciplinarian Dad but his just my brother, I know he cares for me but he's taking this way too much .
Tiffany: I kept reading till it was my bed time I had bags under my eyes but I still kept reading
Terra: don't you want to sleep
Tiffany: I will but I just want to read one last page before bed, so I said but I read more that one page I read all through the night without sleep( yawn). Wow first time staying up all night that's a record, how interesting the only time I took a break was when I washed up, brushed my teeth and ate that's all I didn't even pay attention to what was going on in the house I cared less about them right now all I wanted was to finish the diary
So Felix took me to meet with his family and his Mom soo nice and she's beautiful too, his dad scary, his brothers are soooooo charming and his aunt Hate's me well I cared less about her right now all I want is my happiness and no one I mean NO ONE!!! will be a hindrance in my life.
Awwwwwwn Felix Proposed and he gave me a Nickname, Angel A K A Delores Gabriel.
Tiffany: (*ʘ_ʘ) What!!!!!!!!! I screamed He gave her the name Delores
so we are getting married and my father and brothers are in full support of my wedding but they must be the one who rejects him my ᴹᵒᵗʰᵉʳ and my two sisters they must be the hindrance anyways dad was there and I'm very grateful for that at least he supports me....., I'm sooo lucky to have such beautiful lover ❤ but I'm the last born in my family so i am used to being oppressed.
So I have decided not to use my powers I want to be normal but I gave Felix a wedding gift, Yes the Gabriel family has money but I want him to look extremely rich so I may have done so casting here and there and now he is super rich and now I promise not to use my powers again, because I still want to keep my promise to my mom, don't let anyone find out so not even Felix know I have powers
still Reading
oh I'm pregnant and I'm two months already I don't even know how to tell Felix right now he is not home but when he's back I tell him I'm so happy.........
I told him smiled brightly awwwwwwn he's soo cute and he is happy I love when he's happy it makes me happy too and be is soooo Romantic.
my experience as a pregnant woman was more than I expected but i'm pushing through I'm in my tenth Month but my baby is not ready to come out i think my labour delay is because I'm a witch. but the doctor told Felix to monitor me in case of signs...
uh so i was rushed the hospital and there was a false labour soo i'm back to the house. things have been stressful for Felix this few weeks and he offered to stay home with me but i told him to have fun ill be fine ....
Two weeks later
Well the baby is still not out yet so Felix took me to the hospital for a check up then doctor Vincent gave me an injection that he said will effect soon we should give some time and they all left me in the ward even Felix went to talk to the doctor and i was alone. i didn't want to lay down so i was pacing back and forth in the ward when all of a sudden a sharp pain struck me i couldn't breath so i opened my mouth trying to breath then it took some minutes when the pain struck again!! this time i couldn't take it i screamed and a nurse came in to check up on me but when she saw the situation i was in, she immediately called the doctor and my baby was born on an eclipse. she was the prettiest with her tiny visible white hair and her lips light pink, but Felix was nowhere to be found and he wasn't happy.
Tiffany: what it ended just like that noooooooooo why i want to know more
Terra: well i guess that's when his hatred started
Tiffany: but...but huh
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