
Angelo: I got to her room and I knocked 

Cordelia: go away I don't want to see you.

Angelo: i opened door ignoring the fact that she said she doesn't want to see me 

Cordelia: I told

Angelo: she was crying, awwwn my baby sisters crying 

Cordelia: what do you want I've already told you I'm not going anywhere and there is nothing you can do about (°Π°)

Angelo: I'm not gonna do anything about it , I'm just here to watch you cry 

Cordelia: are you mocking me

Angelo: what nooo if i did I'm probably sure your going to have my head 

Cordelia: What!!! 

Angelo: see now you want to beat me up 

Cordelia: I'm not going to do that

Angelo: your voice says otherwise 

Cordelia: how do i sound like

Angelo:  a Frog 

Cordelia: yes,,, wait what!!!!!

Angelo: I'm just joking... Let me tell you a story can i 

Cordelia: hmm mmm 

Angelo: once there was a pretty little girl with short dark red hair and her hazel nut eyes she was a princess, everyone loved and took care of  her like she was an egg but one day she ran in the woods alone. Oh no her mother exclaimed my princess is missing everyone in the town were so angry and sad and whoever it is that had taken there princess away from them would be beheaded 

Cordelia: Huh

Angelo: so they all went in search for their  princess but couldn't find her  they double checked many houses but still no sign of her then a cry was heard by one of the men who had followed the same forest as their princess.

He followed the voice and found her she was crying and couldn't tell him her problem in an instant he carried her back to her castles but she was still crying nobody knew her problem because she didn't tell them. The end 

Cordelia: that's a very bad ending please could you finish the story please 

Angelo: oh well since you asked nicely. She cried for a long period of time until her father came to her and said my precious why are you weeping did anybody do anything to you tell me and i will tear them apart, but nobody was responsible for sadness, so she shook her head clearly telling her father no. Then why are you sad he asked with worried eyes then she raised her foot up it was swollen and red there was a tiny thick wood in her foot stuck 

Now they knew her problem and took her to the hospital and she was back to their healthy happy princess, end. Now I've stopped her from crying lets talk about moving

Cordelia: Good story but bad teller 

Angelo: anytime you cry it makes me nervous 

Cordelia: but i don't cry all the time 

Angelo: but you were crying just now 

Cordelia: Angelo i don't want to relocate i want to stay here 

Angelo: aren't you bored of here, don't you want new friends to meet new people  see different faces

Cordelia: i don't know.... 

Angelo: do you want to go 

Cordelia: mmmmmmm but

Angelo: no buts Yes or No

Cordelia: Yes, but did Mom tell you were 

Angelo: no 

Cordelia: Ok fine.... You really are a bad convincer 

Angelo😂 😂 😂 😂


  Gabriel mansion


Tiffany: we are getting along i like my brothers they are fun especially Simon.

They both picked rooms close to mine and Leroy's best colour is my best colour green💚

And they also thought me how to make some dishes I've never tried before and it was great.

Simon: Tiffany Leroy has a new girlfriend😍😝

Leroy: no i do not and give back my phone

Tiffany: they were running on the stairs, (hay Simon don't run you might fall) 

Simon: should i let him take his phone... No way... Smooch smooches (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

Tiffany: he made a puppet with his hands making it look like his two hands were kissing,

Leroy finally caught up with him and took his phone back ( hehe) 

Leroy: mind your business 

Tiffany: he was still scolding Simon when a beeping sound came from his phone

Simon: oooooooh she sent you text didn't she

Tiffany: he was doing somthing with his eyebrows making it go up and down saying huh huh and using his elbow to quack Leroy on purpose i was just smiling no laughing, giggling all together 

Simon: what's her name 

Tiffany: still doing the creepy thing with his eyebrows

Leroy: ugh,, no she want to make a video call

Simon: i thought you said it was nothing😂

Leroy: stay here with Tiffany 

Tiffany: he ran upstairs to his room like he was running a marathon 🏃🏃 hehehaha 😂 😂