Tiffany: i was done bathing and cleaning myself up so i decided to try something new
I wore a baggy joggers that was soo free with a matching hoodie then i braided my hair two and i was off for breakfast, Leroy was all dressed up he sat in the dinning table waiting for Simon (are you going out)
Leroy: Wow you didn't wear a gown today nice. And yes i will be going out later i already texted mom so they are aware
Tiffany: (Does Simon know ???)
Leroy: eh, mmmmm, no i can't tell him
Tiffany: (why you want me to tell him then )
Leroy: no please, if he has the slightest idea that I'm out of this house he's going to do something stupid
Tiffany: (yeah, like what)
Leroy: searching my things, burning my room
Tiffany: (what he can do that😐😯)
Leroy: yes he has done it twice when i tricked him because he didn't want to let go of his old toy so i burned it, and he burned my room destroying my room looking for it I'm not sure he knows it's me yet.
And the other time i left the house to meet up with a friend but because i didn't tell him and he was left in the house he burned my room again. Since then I can never tell him I'm going out and I'm scared of my room being burned again
Tiffany: he was saying it like he was under pressure (ok i promise not to tell him and i will try to stop him from burning your room cause I'll be here with him)
Leroy: thank you your a life saver 😊
Simon: what happened who was in danger
Leroy: AGHHHHH!!!!!!!! ( O ʖ̯ O)
Simon: agh! What why are you screaming like you just saw a ghost 😕
Tiffany: he was giving Leroy an intense look ( agh as in where's the food)
Simon: oh the food 😁, OH the food 😐😱
Tiffany: did he just burn it
Leroy: thank you
Tiffany: 😁😀 i only smiled , then after some minutes he brought a square plate that was covered, he placed it on the dining table and opened it revealing the most
Terra: horrifying sight ever
Tiffany: that not true it was beautiful 😊
Terra: beautifully burnt😂
Tiffany: (wow it looks delicious what is it )
Simon: oh its Taiyaki I wanted to try something new so i searched it up and found this and its recipes
Terra: recipes for disaster 😒
Tiffany: oh no not this again, Terra please whatever you say that involves you being sarcastic don't say it out please
Terra: what ever.... What's sarcastic anyway
Tiffany: its....
Terra: alright don't bore me with study i don't want to know
Tiffany: i rolled my eyes at her but clearly she couldn't see me
Leroy: those this Tiayaki recipe involves being burnt ????
Simon: Don't let the appearance fool you its super delicious
Leroy: and did you taste this delicious meal of yours??
Simon: no way, chefs don't taste their food the people does
Leroy: ah so they die first ☺ huh???
Simon: no!! They get delighted over the meal
Leroy: uhm i forgot my phone upstairs in my room .
Tiffany: Simon was staring at him like he could tear his soul with just one stare
Simon: okay but come quick
Leroy: yeah i think I'll pass
Tiffany: well Leroy went upstairs to his room, Simon turned to me like someone being possessed saying
Terra: Your turn 😼
Tiffany: Terra Don't do that its creepy, when he turned to me i started laughing nervously i didn't want to hurt his feelings so i had to eat it 😭😭😭😭😭
Simon: come on eat,, oh wait I'll serve you
Tiffany: he served me the Tiayaki in a plate, it looks like fish
Terra: yeah burnt fish 😂
Tiffany: then he was waiting for me to taste it
I filled my small mouth with it, trying to swallow it
Simon: How does it taste like ☺
Tiffany: it taste like shoe 😵😭 i could literally feel my stomach folding inside out and my internal organs twisting begging me, please stop😭😭😭😭 . (its so delicious i could eat all 😊 "Hiccups")
Simon: oh really, i knew i was a good chef but i didn't know my cooking was even better burnt. Oh thank you Tiffany I'm so happy right now i will watch you eat all ☺ like you promised.
Tiffany: me when did i promise 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I'm begging you don't let me eat this please!!!
Terra: (Alright then make sure to stay here all day because i will finish everything right in font of you )
Tiffany: Terra made me say it out... What kind of person am i ,
He sat down and watched me like an officer keeping a very close eye to a criminal watching their every move
Terra!!!!!! (💢🔥` ×🔥). finally i finished all the portion of the... what did he call it again Tia..... Tiayaki yes got it , ugh my stomach was so full i couldn't breathe well thank God its over
Terra: ( oh i finished your food it was super delicious too bad you gave me all i really wanted to eat it as my lunch too
Simon: well then your in luck because i accidentally made too much and I'm sure it will last you forabout two days if you eat it in bunch
Tiffany:(what did you just say... Two days!!!! ) i couldn't hold it and i really feel like throwing up i didn't know when i came down from the dining and ran to my room into my toilet 😵😲
I held my hair back 😵😵😵😷🙀Simon need to be knocked out
Terra: you want me to do it
Tiffany: no you have already done something
Terra: ugh, your soooooo boring