The prophecy

Pov: Felix Gabriel

Vanessa: oh love i really want us to meet the all knowing

Felix: who is that ??

Vanessa: well he is a future reader and he is legit and legal

Felix: what would you want to see a future reader for????

Vanessa: i want to know what our future holds for us

Felix: then what about our boys

Vanessa: oh Leroy can take care of them, please love, please🙏🙏🙏

Felix: alright tomorrow

Vanessa: see this is why i love you

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Next day....

They both drove to the so called All knowing.

When they got there Felix had second thoughts he didn't feel the need to see a future reader but Vanessa pressured him so he agreed and they went in. Even though he agreed to meet with the all knowing he had thoughts that the guy was a fake 🚫

the man said to be the all knowing he sat down with his legs folded and his eyes closed

all knowing: ulmmmmm, uhmmmm, welcome Felix and Vanessa

Felix: is that part of your future reading powers

All knowing: nope your names i read from your files

Felix: (o*・ω・) oh....

all knowing: so who will go first

Vanessa: My Husband is first

All knowing: step forward Felix

With hesitation he did exactly as the all knowing said

All knowing: sit and close your eyes

Now Felix thought he wanted to make him close his eyes so he could steal from him so he did the opposite, open his eyes wide and the worse part was he didn't carry along his gun so he had insecurities

All knowing: you have to close your eyes In order for this to work

Vanessa: baby please close your eyes

Felix: ( ͡~ ʖ ͡°) (^_^ )

All knowing: Uhmmmmm

He said placing him thumbs in the middle of Felix's fourhead

All knowing: this is your destiny, uhmm

Felix: what are you...

All knowing: shhhhhhhhh, don't speak, uhmmmmmmm. ( ˃᷄˶˶̫˶˂᷅ )

Felix was feeling frustrated

All knowing: your wife is angry with you,

Vanessa: what, I'm not angry

All knowing: your not married to him. ( ˃᷄˶˶̫˶˂᷅ )

Vanessa: but, but..

All knowing: 'shhhhhhh!!!!!! You have a daughter am i right

Felix was in shock how did he know maybe he's legit after all so he only nodded

All knowing: she will be your heir

Vanessa: What!!!!!

Felix: what about my boys they are way older than her

All knowing: your son's may be older than her but she's the source of your wealthy life. One of your son's is a rebellion

Vanessa: do you know what you are saying about my children

All knowing: you are breaking my focus woman.

He spoke with so much authority in his tone that alone was enough to make her shut it

All knowing: if she dies you'll go bankrupt

Felix:(o*・ω・)( 0 x 0 )

All knowing: your financial status depends on her happiness, and you really need to beg your wife for forgiveness before it's too late.

If her angry spirit comes for you it would be a blood bath because at that time she has forgotten everyone and is only out for revenge.

Felix wasn't in a sure zone so he wanted to see if the so called all knowing would know the name of his wife

Felix: and if you know all that tell me her real name then

All knowing: Angel

He said with a strong whisper that enough to penetrate through both their ears

Felix: and the name i gave her

All knowing: Delores

Now he believed fully

All knowing: you have to beg her spirit before it's too late her blood is on your hand and that is the sign she would use to trace you when she has forgotten she'll come back.

And also seek your daughters forgiveness,

She will be your heir and no one else, No One Else!!!!!!

Felix could bring his self down to beg his wife but never will seek his daughter forgiveness, that would be like him bowing his head at her feet, Never!!!!

Felix: how do i plead with my wife

Vanessa: your even considering it !!!

All knowing: you have To go to her grave and do these three thing i shall tell you and she will never disturb you or stuck you with the awaiting doom ...

The all knowing gave him instructions to carry out meanwhile Vanessa refused to let him see her future she said he was going to lie, Felix had already started thinking about what the all knowing had said he pondered on it while he drove them home

Vanessa: i thought about what the all knowing said and it is true

At thar moment felix thought she was about to give him a reasonable advice that will help him like Delores always did when he was troubled but instead...

Vanessa: when are we getting married


In times like this he misses his wife dearly, she would give him an advice that would always work like she was lucky but Vanessa no he wouldn't want to compare but amid his thought his wife is way better than his girlfriend even though she

Gave him boys in return for his love he love's his wife more (.♥ᴗ♥.) and regrets everything he ever did to her but he was never going to apologize to Tiffany and that was final.


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 \二つ hay I'm 🍀🍀lucky, I'm a lucky cat pet me!!! And luck will flow throughout your days 🍁