Crank it up ↑

Bruno: ugh you're crazy

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\/ ̄ ̄ ̄




|l ̄l|| ̄じじ ̄|"

Tiffany: (Ö _Ö)

/>🎲 \

|_| |_|

( Crazy, do you think I'm crazy )

Bruno: I mean you show the signs i bet that's why you vent you anger, frustrating and other things bothering you in that tiny body,

Tiffany: ( I'm not crazy, i hate people calling me crazy)

Bruno: yeah i no you'll never admit, a criminal will never agree that he/she has committed a crime, and a thief will never admit he's a thief until caught red handed , and you will never agree and admit that you are crazy.

But trust me you're secret is safe with me i promise not to tell anyone you're insane

Tiffany: (ノ)`ω´(...) ​​​ ( I'm perfectly fine )

Bruno: then who were you talking to (Ō_Ô) ?

Terra: what are you gonna tell him now let me guess, you are going to tell him that you have a twin sister who lives inside of you or you'll tell him you have a friend and then yo I'll bring don here yo scare him, but no that would not work.

Tiffany: yeah no it won't or wait .(✿ฺ _✿💡ฺ) your right you have the best idea thanks Terra

Terra: (.·ω·.)what

Tiffany: ( oh no you just scared Him )

Bruno: who ???

Tiffany: ( My friend )

Bruno: Hmm mm (-︿-) and were did he run of to ???

Tiffany: (your Bathroom )

Terra: seriously bathroom

Tiffany: I'm sorry its the first thing that crossed my mind i don't think under pressure .

Terra: ok what are you going to do If he checks, i have an idea how about we tie him up and threaten to kill him if he talks

Tiffany: Yeah that...(ʘ‿ʘ) wait what(⊙︿⊙) that would only make him believe I'm crazy

Terra: are you???

Tiffany: no not at all, but I'm going to tell him I'll do it

Bruno: and i didn't see anything

Tiffany: (that's because he was hiding very well but i can call him ) then i enterd the bathroom and locked myself up then i teleported back home to my mother's room then i quickly opened the mirror ( So mr Don, can i borrow you)

Terra: That boy was tight you're insane, how would a normal person call a snake mr Don.

Tiffany: well i don't know, he came out of the mirror then rapt itself around my neck i wasnt scared, i closed the mirror back to its normal position.

Then i went to the kitchen to get water and not on foot and when i was done i came out only to be caught by Leroy , i mean i thought i was caught. Both his ears were covered with headphones 🎧and he was singing 🎤 ( » ᴗ «) heheheheh😆🙊

Then i teleported back to Bruno's bathroom with Don still firm around my neck, it's like Don understands me ☺. Then i opened the bathroom door making myself in full view, Bruno didn't even look at me he was on his phone but I'm sure he heard the door sound

Bruno: ( Ô _ Ō) found your friend yet?

/ >📱

Tiffany: (right here ) i said pointing my neck this time his eyes traveled to my neck then he threw his phone and climbed the bed

Bruno: What the WHAT ( 0 x 0 ) sna.... A snake !!??

Tiffany: (i thought you wanted to see my friend) i went closer to his bed with a smile on my face i really wanted to laugh but no i have to act now

Bruno: no, no ,no , don't come any closer with that thing

Tiffany: ( Huh, thing now his offended, look you hurt his poor feelings (⇀‸↼‶))

Bruno: what, snakes don't have feelings

Tiffany: hehehe, awn he looks so cute scared,i pretended like Don was talking to me ( yeah Whats that. oh no, )

Bruno: oh no what , did he bite you

Tiffany: ( there is good news and bad news which would you like to hear first??

Bruno: bad news

Tiffany: ( i don't want to tell you this but since you asked me i will, you see the bad news is Don also wanted to be you friend but now you've hurt his poor soul he want to use you for dinner no offence but maybe it might take him a week to digest you, considering his size)

Bruno: and the good news???? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

Tiffany: (welllll) i stretched the "well" cause i want to see his reaction

Bruno: can you please just speak fast my life is on the line here

Tiffany: ( the good news is, he wouldn't eat me )

Bruno: WHAT!!!! You call that good news

Tiffany: (hmmm mmm, i never said the good news was for you ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°). Now I'm offended (˼̙̂ ̟ ̟̎ ̟ ̘̂˻) )) he was so close to the wall, its like he wanted to bury himself there and his breath super fast meaning he was scared, maybe i should turn it down i feel a little bit sad that he's scared

Terra: no way we just did something fun for once and you want to turn it down??, how about i crank it up alittle ๛ก(ー̀ᴗー́ก)