Chapter X: Inner Circle [5]

"Join the defenders, you say?" Berwyn asked, bearing a quizzical look. "My lord, are you implying that we can just bypass the besieging army of the Marquis?"

"Indeed, I am."

"Precisely how?" 

"It is simple, really…" Velmund said, turning his gaze sideways to all the knights patiently awaiting his explanation, which ended up with the female serf still holding the flagon of wine who had not moved an inch yet nor made an effort to serve the beverage. "No more than a couple of miles east of the city lies an abandoned mine. It is said that it was a gold mine that dried up five years ago, but the shafts underground are theoretically still traversable. According to my brother Theo, the shafts are secretly connected to the city's sewage system, and even tunneling towards Walruse Castle. The path was originally created to be an escape route for members of House Walruse in the rare instance that the city is on the verge of being overrun. What I plan to do is to gather as many soldiers and supplies as we can, transport our troops through those tunneling path, then reinforce the defenders with fresh supplies that may allow us to win a battle of attrition long enough for the Duke to reach us in time. I have already sent someone to deliver the news to my father, so I am confident about the plan's odds of success."

"That is rather… convenient, my lord," Berwyn said hesitantly, doubt evident upon his voice. "The plan is rather simple yet indeed warrants success, in fact, too simple…" The last sentence was more of a mumble to himself rather than an open remark.

"Do not sweat it, Berwyn," Barone reassured. "His lordship's plan is brilliant as it is. It may be simple for you, but the simplest plans are sometimes the most effective one. You are probably just too drunk on our victory on the Siege of Flendle, and expecting an elaborate plan like back then. Although, I cannot blame you for raising your expectations too high."

"Indeed," Velmund remarked, giving a meaningful look upon the female serf stationed at the corner. "So, does anyone of you have qualms about my plan?"

"No, my lord," Berwyn said, vanishing his doubtful thoughts. "I believe everyone is in agreement with your plan."

"Very well, as conclusion to this war council, I hereby entrust you with these orders…" Velmund said, turning to Berwyn and Barone. "Twelfth and eleventh seats, see to it that our contract with the Lost Oath Brethren are properly taken care off, and gather as much mercenaries as we can feasibly hire. I will leave you with two thousand gold for your dealings." He then swiveled his gaze towards the knight commandress, Frenda. "First seat, since we still have a month until we engage Marquis Quillton, I request you enlist as much men as we can incorporate into our army. Although I said I only had a couple thousand of gold, I believe there still remained a thousand or so gold and silver coins in the Raven Knight's treasury that I also brought along with us. Write letters to the local lords to request their aid, feel free to use both the funds and my personal seal. As everyone here present would agree that your tactical prowess is on par or even greater than mine, it is only justified that I leave you the command of the current army, and see to its function in the case of an enemy engagement. Your role for a while shall be limited in relaying orders from the rear, unless push comes to shove."

"I, Frenda, your humble servant, shall oblige."

"In addition, I want you to make arrangements for the Baron's men to be interrogated. I will leave it up to you on how to proceed."

"It shall be done, but where shall we acquire the weapons to equip the conscripted troops?"

"Command fifth, ninth and tenth seats to visit the garrisons located here in the south. Their armories should provide us spare armaments and other equipment. However, they should only approach if the fortresses or towns are not already besieged by rebel forces. Avoid engagements and skirmishes with the enemies at all costs. I stored the map containing the locations of said garrisons on my quarters. You may get it later." Diverting his attention from Frenda, he stared at Jurelle. "Third seat, you are in charge of training the militia and the other additions to our forces. Get them into shape and turn them into a cohesive unit. With your uncanny ability to inspire others, I have high expectations of you, sir-cousin."

"You can count on me, lord-cousin!" came the vibrant reply of Jurelle. "I shall turn those greenhorns to proper soldiers."

"As for sixth, seventh and eighth seats, you will accompany me on my journey towards the neighboring provinces. You will guard me with your lives."

"Understood, my lord!" was the uniformed reply of William and Reona, with Anselmus offering a nod and a salute as affirmation.

"As much as I wanted to keep his lordship safe personally, I will count on you three instead as his lordship have already given his word of command," Frenda said, surveying the three knights. "Keep him safe." The three saluted in unison as a response to their superior. "When should you depart, m'lord?"

"As early as dawn, Frenda.

"Would you like me to prepare the carriage and provisions for your party?"

"The carriage would not be necessary. My buttocks gets sore with all the bumping," Velmund jested. "We also need to keep our travel light and fast, so three days' worth of supplies should suffice. Time is of the essence, and we cannot afford to be delayed."

"I understand," she replied, bowing. "Consider it done, my lord, and may you have an unhampered and safe travels."

"Gramercy, Frenda…" Velmund rose from his seat, offering a momentary pause to address all of his retainers. "As for all of you gathered here, let my words prompt the conclusion of the Second War Council of the Order of the Raven Knights. With your steeled resolve and virtuous wisdom to guide your actions, may you all carry out your duties ever true to your oaths."

"Peace and prosperity for Regalia, and may long live the Raven Knights!" roared the knights in chorus.