Chapter XVII: The Knight Lord and the Jester [3]

"Impressive and intriguing. By all means, continue. How were you able to see through that, Lord Velmund?"

"I noticed most of your guardsmen and men-at-arms were garbed in Estveine armor– the typical mail over gambeson with a tabbard bearing your house crest and colors– but I also noticed some who appeared to be accoutered in an armor which only slightly resembled the mail manufactured in Regalia. Same material and close enough in appearance but not quite the same. Earlier, the moment you open that door, I caught a glimpse of this pair of soldiers accompanying you and I noticed their gears. A coat of mail covering even the forearms and extending to the knees, quite lengthy than the normal mail armor produced in Regalian smithies. It then dawned upon me that those armors are a variety of the typical mail, a superior version even, which is called a hauberk, as I read upon them on military manuals.