Chapter XXV: Reason, Treason and Execution [1]

THE BLUSTERY AFTERNOON had brought the desired respite to the soldiers on foot, who were all soaked in sweat due to wearying hours of marching they had to endure. As their clammy skins were teased by the strong gust of wind, which was non-existent for the rest of the morning and noon, sighs of relief calmed their nerves the moment their home city greeted them from the distant horizon, soothing their minds and delivering their thoughts from the previous battle. It was a period of tribulation for them in spite of the victory, as the previous announcement of their liege lord's death had been a huge dent upon the morale of the troops. As they contemplated whether their march towards home was a triumphant return or a procession of defeat, the footfalls and the horse hooves brushing the turf continued to fill the ears of everyone else.