Chapter XXVI: The King of Outlaws [3]

It was the height of noon, and the sun was shedding its light upon the capital city of the second largest nation in Neutomia. While the surface was filled with the bustle of human traffic, the chirping of birds and the drawing of wagons, the same cannot be said beneath. Tens of meters submerged in the ground, there was a dimly lit chamber where no natural source of light can be seen, where silence was the dominant sound that could be heard. Most of the surface dwellers of the Royal Capital were unaware of such place, thus it became the ideal base of operations for those hunted by the Crown's law. It was in this hidden chamber that the two highest ranking members of the rebel organization the Kingdom's elite referred to as the anarchists were currently housed.

"The Raid Squadron's base is being… raided, Supreme Leader," said a lanky fellow with the slightest hint of tactless humor. "How ironic is that?!"