Chapter XXVIII: Raiders and Emissaries [6]

"A raven eats to live and thrive… Such is the rule of nature, no?"

Velmund almost choked upon his words, disbelieving how could he utter such things with the utmost conviction. Was he, whether consciously or subconsciously, acted like the raven; an omnivorous flying beast who would gorge itself into green and red flesh alike? The symbol of House Walruse was known to primarily denote divine providence, knowledge… and death. Death upon its enemies, for the raven towered upon the mighty. Even if he was truly acting akin to a raven, that simple notion alone would render him the embodiment of House Walruse itself, for thus far he, whether intentionally or not, had lived by the house's motto by smiting two mighty foes that stood in defiance to the Great House of Walruse. So by what reason could it be for he to doubt his own actions? 

"Indeed, it is. Survival of the fittest. But I wonder, how much would you devour for the necessity of living and thriving?"