Chapter XXXV: A Feast of Poison [1]

THE FORMER KNIGHT of the Crown Guard and the bearer of the moniker 'King of Outlaws' was knelt before a heap of burning wood and mutton, his hands clasped together in prayer. As the whiff of burnt flesh invaded his nostrils, the recollection of his earlier exploits flooded his mind. It had been a few days now since he met with the superiors of the city's criminal underworld, most notably Night Owl of the Night's Watch, whom he lost a heated argument over their political ideologies. Nevertheless, their disagreement, or rather Ulricht's inability to express his visions, did not prove inadequate enough to null their alliance, especially when both their goals amounted to having the heads of the eastern nobility mounted on pikes. Despite that slight mishap, the operation to attack the Interim Duke's banquet was to be continued.